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JAN/27/2006/FRI 11:1� Ahf <br />Engfneering/Publlc Works Department: <br />P, 002 <br />• The foltowina addttlonal tuiformatlon ohall he xnbxaitted, revlewed, end appk'oved prior to <br />permit lssneuce. Inr.lude a comment response letter detalllng how you addreaeed e�ch of <br />�j,°� the commente contained below, <br />CJJ 3. Subuut campletal uad eigned Rip,ht-of-Way, Clearing Eind Gtading, atid Demolitioa Pettnits. <br />Q� 4. e City of Everett hea indicated that instead of sReet frontage improvem�nts to Mukilteo <br />e, e frontage itnprovcmont fco shall bo paid in licu of thoso improvements. Written <br />vctification that tha frontago improvement fee has been paid to the City of Everett is requirod <br />to bo �bmiried to the City o£Iviuld'teo. , <br />5. <br />� <br />Plessa bo awaza that a 7YafHc Tmpact Fee will havo to bo pnid at tho timc of peanit issuaace, <br />either for shoit plst final approval or buildiug permit issuance. The fee ia 51,875 per PM <br />Pcak Hour trip thet will be gmerated. The City assumes 1 trip per SPR; therefora the ,fee wzll <br />bo $3,750 for the proposed 21ot short plat. <br />Erieh O. Tietze and Associates, Inc. eubmittcd calculatione in an effort to domoashato 4hat <br />datantion is not noedod for this sito. The calculations provided appeaz to be for caiculating <br />allowublo heedwtster elevations for a culvert, but the exiating pipes make up a eystem that has <br />inlet grates: The down-slopa 12" pipe in the system should have a higher flow tLan the <br />upstream existing 12" pipe because additional piprs tie in W the down-slape pipe and it <br />receives all conveyed flow through tha upstream existing 12" pipe. It is mot appazent in the <br />calculatione whether ornot tho peak flow wes calculatod for tho ups�esm or downecream <br />exiatin� l2" pipe. Please include capacity calculadone (Menning Pyuarion) for both existixy; <br />pipes with tteir slope end tlia coetizciwt o£frictiom, Thea compazo this flow to the flow <br />gcncxated by tho fibutsry cuoa to tho pipos for n 25 year storm evrnt Pkase include all <br />nddidonal support information in an addendiun to the previoue report. <br />7. • Lnoludo details f'or thu catch bwins an the plans. <br />8. Show inlct protection on existing inlets and add the inlet pibtection detail to the plans. <br />9. Submit an approval lettcr from the scwa end watet dietricts saying they approved the civil <br />plau�. <br />10. Show a cross seotian bf the prdposed driveways, including the.material to be used in <br />construcrion. <br />11. Include a detail ,fbt the esxtcuded curb. <br />12. The callout olong the pzoposed pipa between CB #1 and C�#2 shows 99 �,F ofpipo, but <br />scating tho pipe on the plans yields 122 LF. Plense reviae the plaas to ehow the coaect IengtL <br />and. <br />Contact Andrew Sics ut 42S-3S5-4X41 est 2S4 £or questions about Engineering/Public Works <br />additional requuemcttts. <br />Please note tk�at in accordanco with MMC 17.13.060(Fi), if the City roquests edditional <br />information, lho applicant hav �n�1az davs to submit additional infoanation. If the required <br />v:�{+I.1l7�Dev FmIawU00SGald SPUddl�lm�l Info Lerta 012006.DOC <br />Pyeiaf3 <br />�'d 9588L5252bT:01 t92�3�Sb52b 1,?J1N3W313 tiNI03lJ:IJOLI� C9£�b0 9002-£2-83� <br />