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1 ' ^�� • <br />EVERETT �VATER O�PANY. <br />` _ Encered is <br />- P=:tt bon1: <br />PLUM6ERS <br />CIRCULAN <br />a <br />Voi _ <br />--, <br />Pa�e.._. -- <br />AND PIPE FITTEI:S <br />In :vl�lilinn tu Uu� rulrs:nnl ri•gnla�iuns uf ih�.. l'uinP:uip r�.�P-'; r.ln:; �c:�t��r <br />.:��Pplp. lhe .`,�Ilnrr�nF instrurtluns m�r puLlinh,�d i�m tho infurmnriuu :n,d <br />4iddnnr� n[ pLunbi�rn. Pipafiticrc and �dl porsuna roncorned: <br />Ou U�� br •I� of this sL�v�t:l etn�emrnl nf Ihi� �vnrB �lunr nml li�nin:< p�,:l <br />�'� iu nmst h�� mailo Iq� tLo pinmbor nml rcUuv�•q tu tl:�� ,�qn,. <br />1 pnup. ��i i;,� r��w- <br />lu :il! ri�sc. n':siop ��nil �rns[�.• muvt hc put In. :iud >�� pl.���„�I il�:,.i ��; i, <br />onsllp nrrevsiLie to ihr consnmer. nnd In �w•h a pasiiinn �h.0 it �clli �.Irn4i ��'I <br />�ho pfpes. If plured out.;ide Iho bnll�Ih�G I[ mnst 6n 6osed. sn ticit it �:�n b„ <br />� ��asil�• reaehi•d� nnd nu Ihnt it ��nn 6r P�Mcrb�d frnm tro�t .111 piUrs. InsiJ.� <br />nnd ��utsidq must hn Ini�i fr�,c frnm IraU� eo ihat thi�y �elll dra(u �chrn ih�� <br />� -. ' <br />�cnstc i� npeu. <br />�`/ Pipex hi ihr �;ronnil nnivt 6r Inid nnl. li•ss Ih:m I�contydnnr inch��a 6rlu�c <br />�� thc enrfn�•r. <br />:VI piPn; umst h�• rnn vn as lo ncolil stnppn�;i�s �md all trnD'+ mnst L�. <br />� , <br />tcrl� .coc0i'nd. <br />�\ \n LuaLine ntn�t 6r n�nd In ��nuncrt. �rith Iho stopi•o��l: n� Ihe sidn�c:ill;: <br />nl�qd�•s nr r��dcrinF �o:�Arts mar 6i� n�cd h p��CCfifilll'\'. <br />� T'o pfDa ��nn rur. 6rt�co�u th�� ('nmlwn)'e Fr�rcirc-rork ❑ud m:�in. und <br />`� lu rase n���at�,r m�irr is =rf. no plpr nmst bi• oonr.or�rd ontu(de ihi� m��b•r. <br />� PIInnLors n�yr Im'n on t�;�lrr fnr thr pnrponr af IrsUnR �hrlr piPo=. Lnl <br />��r`��hoy miuut I�.:�ci� It thut. NT nt the (`ompnuc':: s��rci�•i��rnrl<. and In no casc <br />\��� <br />[urn on the water ;or consumers. <br />� \� <br />7'Lr �eator �rlll nu� Lr turnrd nn t,� an�� Dromixes m�til Iho s4nl�•moi�t <br />h��r�in roqnir��d hn�; Doen furniehed to Ihr Pump:wp mul thr Invpnrlor xhuil <br />��.��Ip� Ih:�t th�• �ro��l; line hrcn dune In ���rardnurr �cith Ilv ��i�l��s ;nid r�.r��l:i <br />liuu.. <br />��.. c. nn�r; Easo.`�, <br />,�,,,:.���,��,.,,,�,,,,� �:��,,,,.<<,,:,<<.��,��,���,,,,,, <br />