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San. l�r 1?60 <br />`rl.D. Hexitt <br />:eare� R�ebuck « Co., <br />Eve;ett, t�'ashin�.cm <br />Pear Sir� <br />2'his is Co inforT ;;cu oheC yo.u� flTnii.^OY,ID?1 t0 C019�t1:CY. A 6" ccncr� .e <br />drivexAp ea sho;:n on sk�tch has been an;.rcved. n copy of the eketoh shouing <br />the approced r;ork ia enclosed. A71 work must con±'orm �o thic eketch. <br />:1 copy of our rules and r��:l:�tions f�cvernin� work or. Cit;; stre. ',s ie <br />enclosed. <br />Please r.otit� ue crhen ycu ,tcrt tiiis srorl; es xe nust ineepect the work be- <br />fore any concrete is ncured. <br />17'.is pernit ia vnlid for a neriod of 60 dr.yn� if the xork hns nnt been done <br />at che end of tha� tio:�, it wi'l.1 be� eeceeser,/ for y�e�i t.c o!�tain a nFw <br />nr:r-it. <br />���.IlCCt'��.V� <br />[:l'l�/A nOC1i1Pj' V. r0�.��9.i1 <br />`11V'• ���`.'t}' `'�1(�,'�]•.:��. <br />