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�VERETT POLICE DEPARTMENT COMP,$ <br /> OFFyNSE REPORT <br /> TYPE OF OFFENSE Hazardous Condition <br /> VICTIM �ity of Everatt ADDRESS City Hall � <br /> PHON�' N0. DATE OF REPORT 12-15-67 TIME I�TAILED 4�05 n•m, <br /> ItEPURT HY �. an 1�5:E1m�r�Cia s _ _ A ,SS 1101 Roekefeller - AL 2-3590 <br /> PLACE OF OCCII �IF�E �. ' 1103 Rockef�ller� p,�� & TIME 12-15-67 4ip5 o.m. <br /> PFRSON OR PROPERTY AT7'ACi(£A.,.._.-___.._�_..:.'` <br /> HOW ATTACKED VALUE OF PROPERTY <br /> PERSONS ARR�'STED BOOKING # <br /> '.JII'NESSFS <br /> __ ALDRESS PHONE <br /> DETAILS OF COMPLIINT <br /> Dotailed t� 1101 koekefaller to see Mrs. E. Cualey. ur, and P.t;s. Gvaley stated th.�t , <br /> in June or July a man hy the name of _Jack Imholt dug a large hole i� the vacan'. iot <br /> to the south of them for a baseme:tt for a house, and later moved n liouse up to the <br /> hole nnd then �ust left it. <br /> Th� large hole that was dug for a brsement has about 3 feet of water in St, and l;ids <br /> fro� all over the n�ighborhood cont over to pl�y !n tAe hole. tilrs. Qualsy says th�se <br /> kids ar� frnm teeneg�r: to four and five years ald� end ehe is afrald one of th�m may <br /> f�ll lnto the weter and drown. <br /> Theee kida have b�en tAere lately throwing rocka into the hole to try and bruak ths <br /> lee, end they ere efraSd they are going to get eome rrindows broken. I looked at the <br /> hole� and it rrould be v�ry dang�roue !f a smail ehild fell into the water. Something <br /> ahould be done about this condition. <br /> Hespectfully subnitt�d� 1 <br /> D, Cooper, Pa L olman <br /> Everett Police Deaertment <br />