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Id. AnV grading/fill on this sitc shall bc donr so as to not intpaci �hc sun�ounJine <br />propertics. <br />15. This project ntust compl�' with the current Cit�� uf LivereU 13uilding Code and Spris�kler <br />Ordinancc. <br />IG. Special charges tiir connection to tl�c sewer and w�iter systems in accordance with <br />Ordinance 1998-9d and subscyucnt revision are applicable. These chargcs are based on <br />projectcd ���ater usage and cau he substantial. Applicant is encoura�ed ro obtain a cop�� <br />of the Ordinance and detertnine eslimaied charges prior to Uuilding pennit application. <br />The actual charges shall bc computed by the Puhlic �Vorks Depar,roent per thc <br />ordinance in eff'ect at the time and according ro the information on the approved plans <br />at thc timc of building permit issuance. <br />17. Lack of contuten[ on thc pl�ins suhmiucd ���ilh thc �qi�ilir.uion Jues nui c�institu'e <br />approval of �hese �il��ns. <br />1 S. Cily streets .md :ille� s arc to hr kc�x cirar of �irt and dcbris at all times durine <br />cunsu'uclion. Uust supprrssiun an� su'cct cic:u� nmsi occur as dirccted b)' thc Puhlic <br />Works Inspector. <br />19. Am� hroken or d,unage� side�valk shall he re��aired/replaced per �he Cit1' Public �\'��rks <br />Inspcctor. <br />Z0. �Valkwaps must he pro��idcd from �it�' side�ealk tc d���clline units. <br />21. All exposed ground must he reseeded ���ithin 30 da��s of the completiou of cunsu�uction. <br />lf reseeding is not practical due �o ���eather ar seasanal problrms, th� eround must be <br />cu�crcd �cith mulch as directcd b�� thc Ci11' Gnginccr. <br />?2. 'I'emporary erosion conirol me:�stu�es lor construction arti��it�� musi he operational prior <br />to cummcnccmeni of any cicaring or c.irthwork. <br />23. A U':ittic mitigation fcc of �?,700A0 (3 units s�+900.Oi)iunit = S2.700.00) is rcyuire� <br />�irior tu huildinc permit issuancc. <br />; <br />