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right, the radius center of which bears South 9° 41'00" West 250 <br />feet, through a central angle of 29° 41'00", an arc distance of <br />129.52'; thence South 50° 38'00" East 50 feet: thence South 9' <br />41'00" West 10 feet; thence North 50° 38'00"West 74.18'; thence <br />westerly along the arc of a curve to the left, the radius center <br />of whic.i bears South 9° 41'00" West 173.80 feet, with a central <br />angle of 29° 41'00", through an arc distance of 90.04 feet to tl�e <br />true point of beginning. <br />TIIE FOLLOWING DESCRIPTION IS FOR PORTIONS OF 3 PROPERTIES, OWNED <br />BY C.E. STETLER, LYING EASTERLY OF TI�E ABOVE DESCRIBED <br />TRACT.(Auditor Arb No. 002, 003, and O10) <br />The following described property to be dedicated to the City of <br />Everett for public street right of way: <br /> on the East line of Section 8, Township 29 North, <br />5 East, W.hl., 1724.92 feet south of the Northeast corner of said <br />section, the same being the center line of Ross Avenue; thence <br />North 51� 00' West along said center line of Ross Avenae 199.97 <br />feet; thence Soul-h 39° 00' West 20 feet to the Southerly side of <br />Ross Avenue, the True Point of Beginning. Thence continuing <br />South 39° 00' lJest 10 feet; thence North 51a 00'West 290.98 feet; <br />thence North 39° 00' East 10 feet; thence South 51° 00' East <br />290.98 feet to the true point of beginning. <br />Thank you for your help in this matter. <br />Yours truly, <br />Eugene J. Dale P.S., Inc. <br />� <br />/ <br />ugene J. Dale P.E. <br />President <br />