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( <br />( <br />, <br />.•w= �rr <br />" (42L) 257-88f0 <br />Plan Check No.: 80206•017 <br />Application Date: 06/1?J2002 <br />Owner: BLUE CHIP PARTNERS <br />Job Address: 8130 EVERGREEN WAY <br />Proposed Use: <br />Descriplion of Work: T.I. AND NEW STOREFRONT <br />Plan Ch=ck Fee Paid: 1413.98 <br />Thc building permit applicaiion for the abovo-rcferenced projcct is being wnditionaliy accepted for fiiing <br />pending thc dcterminalion of it: complelcness. <br />If the City rcview determines tha� any additional land use approval or any �dditionul in(ormation is <br />required to complete your buildint permit appiication, it will be necessary to submi[ this additional <br />information or �cquire the additional land use approval prior to your application being considered complete <br />(or fi!ing. [f no other land use approval or additional information is required, your building permit <br />application will bc considered filed as oF this datc. <br />BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS EXPIRE IF NO PERMIT IS ISSUED <br />WITHIN 180 DAYS FOLLOWING THE DATE QF APPLICATION. <br />atc d? <br />✓ <br />FILE COPY <br />