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POWER OF ATTORNEY <br />Qrtcvucablc) UOND Nu. SP- z Z495204 <br />Knnw Al/ �Llen b�� These Presents: �� <br />lliat this Poacr uf rVtomey is not ralid or in ef(en un�ess uvached to the bonc w�hich it aalliurizrs executed. 6m may be detaclied by �he npproving <br />nllicer if dcsirc.L'!ha� Nesmm Surct^ Cmm��n,. a enmontion. does hercby make, consiiwm anJ appoim ihe foilowing <br />authurimd indiciduals: <br />GREGORY A ANUERSON JON E COURSER <br />HARILYN � MANN <br />.. �"'Aa �i �!^✓' ,° . ' <br />�,, � ��. � �t !a t. <br />` _t�, . �,�'�7 �t �� , , ' <br />�.. iui �nr.9 C���� `'" '4ti� , !`n't � �'a . , � '��!.'T <t �� i? � "�� rr+_ l?�.? �,, . . � <br />in �he Ciq• oi VANCOUV ER , sia�e ot '�� SH INGTCN , witli limited awhority, its tnie �nd <br />laxful Alromeyls) in (a.l u�iih full po�cu anJ amhnnty hereby confemd. in sign, ezecwe, ackiwu'IeJge anJ delirer for and on its behalf as Surety. <br />Ihe foilowing descrihd bonJ: <br />DOESBNOf EXLE�DMSEVt�J HUNDREDPFIFTYTTHOUSAVO�ANDINO/1C0 DOLLARSNA�TY <br />(****750,OQ0.00). <br />s�**�*a*�:aas+*e*r**sa#�a�z��**aar�s*a�***=sa�zea**sx�**aa*art**s*#x�tr�*#�za* <br />gas*�*a*u*=�aaa��*a�xa�«a*aasv��a�a�*e�=�**►m�*a#��a*�a��a�a�o**�***#s*rt <br />-0�O�klC##F#RA�1�K<*O�O�A�#�#%�i�C%�i�$##3�kX�$i�9�t>X'##�k�f#%tR#A�##�kA�t�#�#�k�%##*�M##�k#at�F#44�k# <br />The ac}:nowledgment and execution of such bond by ihe said Attorney in Fact shal! be as bi�ding upon this <br />Company as i! such bond had bcen exewted and acknowledged by ttie regularly elected o(ficers of this Company. <br />All mithoriry hereby confeered shall expire and �erminate, without nolice, unless used before midnigiu of <br />JULY 31 , 2006 , but until such time shall be icrevocable nnd in full force and effect. <br />\1'F_SI£RV 517tE71' CO�IP,\Nl' fuMr. ttmfin WI Ne (olloxing is a we md exan copy uf Secuon 7 of �he Oy�Lowi of Wes¢m Surtry Company, duly Wapmd and now <br />m(ome. �o.wie 'Sectim '. All bo�uL. poticie�. undenaWn6�. ��Tn of AuameY. u o�Aer obli5a�ions of �he coryo�ation �hall 6e uccumd in �M1e coryanm wme of ihe Company <br />by ibe Pnidenc�5caaarv. mY r�++�sunt Sn�avy. Trtuwtt. or any Vice RnidenL m by sucS aMr aff¢m m �he OaaN of Dvecmn mey amhodm. The Prtsident, any Vice <br />Pmiren4 Sttmuy. an) Asdsw�t Secm�vy. m Ne T2vu¢r may appoir.t Auomey� in Fxt ar A6�nu xho ,MO hare awhorrty io issue bonds, pulicies, or wdcnaL:ings in tAe <br />mrtr of IhrCom(my. The�caiponP. +d Is �wt necessary for Ne vilidiiy of any honds. policin. undenakings. Pawen of Anomcy ar utAer obliSeuom uf Ne coryoraiion. The <br />tl�csswe o! mY such o�ccr eml tfie rnryona uil miY � P�nkJ by facaimilc:' <br />' Th� pr il unoum of Ne homt herdn deunbed m+Y ��q«<�Y� �� �'� �s ssuched m �his Pouer, wrinen amhaniy m auNorixing in ihe fn(m of an e�dorsemen4 Icimr or <br />�deFrun ugnnl by ihe Srnm� UnAerunnn6 0(fim, UnAervnung OlGcer. PruiAenL Vice {'ruidm4 Assuiam Vice kesiUcnL Trtuurcr. Secreury er Amiumt Sxrtury ot R4sam <br />Swny Compan)' tpecificalh amhaivn6 sud incrtau. ���j <br />'. �4 M7T�'CSS WHERLOE N'urtm Surery Compmy hu nuud thex pescnu m 4 eattmed hy iu E�x�tive Vice Prt�idem wilh Its carporate seal offixed this <br />�,y-� ., . AaR1 . ?�11 , 1VESTERN SURETY MPANY <br />STA'I'E OF SOU'I'H DAKO'CA BY �� T�' <br />ss. <br />COUN'fY OF �11NYEHAHA � Executive Vice Presidem <br />On thit '-nd 1•Y a( Anril .;,, ,n� year ���� . 6c(art me. a Noury Public. personally <br />:ppcued 5¢phen T. Pam. who bcing by me duly �wom. uknaxlcdged Rut he ��,;ned the above Powet of Attomey ss ihe afortsdJ a(fi r of 1VESTLRN SUREIY COMPANY and <br />acknowledged uid in�wmmt �o be �Ae voluntary an and Jeed o( sad co'paratian. /� <br />iM4+YfV+Y+.4MfM+W%NMr� /1 1 . <br />�. KRELI. f �%� <br />s� soTimi o KorA s�� � Nolary Public, South Dakota <br />\fy Comn��um EaD�rt+ IIJ0.:OfM <br />I. Ne undenlgned olfice� ot w'es:em Swery CanPany, a smck co�pu��on of �he SWm nf SouN D�kota do hercby «niry thm �he mtached Power �f Anomcy is in lull <br />foae and :Ifcci anG u�rtnocuble: and (�Mcrtnort, �hm Sttaon 7 of ihe Uy�I�ws of N< company as srt (onhI ^m �ihe Power a( Auomev, is nou� in foae. , <br />In inumwy uhermL 1 hne Aereuma u� my hand and ihe se+l o( Womm Suaq• Camp�ny ihis •�1Ll��+Ya� � <br />WESTGRN SU I'sTY OMPANY <br />MPORTANT: This date must be filled in bcfore it is attached �� �/ �� <br />to the bond and it rmst be the same dme as t;.e bond. �Y �(��� <br />Fortn]<9-a-YWI ' P�•1•••� <br />EzecWive Vice PresiJent <br />NOTICE Tlils bor0or must oe BLUE. 11 rt is not 9LUE. U�ie iz not a cartdietl mpy. -> <br />