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�, J: ; �', ; <br />/ ��l�_ r.�;,�1' <br />ciTj' OP EVLXETT <br />CIllTICAI. AItIiA <br />PROTGCT7VC COYL'NAN7' <br />7'O ALI_ WIIOAI 77{GSI: PRGS�NTS CONCGRti: <br />cor,Fc4rEo coav <br />2�1100150332 3 FGS <br />0611512011 2:08pm 564.00 <br />SI;CHO"IS4 COU:.'lTY, �'?SHIIlGTO'; <br />Notice is hcreby givcn that r(�� /� <br />o�� ncrs of tl�c following dcscribed tract of land, siwated i%`Snohon�h�� <br />�o�r �l/C /�GL� ;/�ST �U/�t� 1✓�'�-- �1��7` 0 �� dlCl <br />Uo hereby co�'�n�nt and declare that in consideration of the City of Ecerctt permitting <br />dr��clopment acti��iry on Ihe above-described properry ihat a portirni of the abovc- <br />.Iescribed property �vhich is Iegalty described helow is hereby designated as ,i critical <br />;nca and / or �ssocinted buffer in accordance with the provisions o( the Ciry o1' <br />licerett's 7_uning Code. All veget.uiun including u•ees, sl�rubs and grouud cover which <br />czisis ��'i�hin the arca described belo�v shall remain in i�s naturai state and shall not Ue <br />dis�urbed. There shall be no cutting, removnl, cicaring or modification of any <br />��r�,rauiun ��'ithin s:�i�l arc;i unl�ss approved by ttie Ciq� of L:verett. '1'he critic:il area <br />anJ associated huffer of the .iboac-described property is legally described as fullows: <br />._-�"_IZC�-1/l�'1Slc�N� � b'L.��l.K- ��-f2.L��� ��-1.. LJ%�l yNc� <br />_ l� �/L ��-F L,i- 2 L� ����f^ �d'd<<� %t�� ;- -J �! <br />pc'.� S w' D A 1= /��c� 9E>i� �)c�S jJt � <br />"I his cu��eunnt shall run ���itl� the lan� and be Uindimz upon the umlersi�,ned O���ners and <br />ihrir respectit•e succes.urs and assigns. <br />I'his covenaut shall not be ntodified or t�rntinated ��ithuut the expr�ss �criuen cunsent <br />nt the Ciry of L"verett llirector ��f Planning �md Comnnmity Dc�elopnicnt. <br />'I hc undersigne� Owners hcreb,V authorize the City of Gverett Director of Planning and <br />('ummunity Dc�clupment or his/hcr d�,i��nce the right to enter onto the property <br />� <br />