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THE t ITY OF E.VERE'. T Dale J <br />Sketch of Proposed Sewer Connection for Building Situated on Lot_ �'. I P., 1-`-2r'J==. Block- 14- <br />Division or Addition L� . Ali —I i� _1--- <br />d S _Owned by_ <br />No. qa2R <br />_ } ---Licensee <br />Application and Connection byJ' t <br />Remarks: <br />Depth of Sower at Connecllon <br />Connection made the. � —day of. _ - — — - <br />Examined and Approved by_ ICON Engineer <br />r <br />_ _, _ _ . _ _ . -_ Supt. of Streets and Sewers <br />By �/1N LUCVIS� <br />Inspector n e 78 3 <br />