i � —9 _ �� �1 K
<br />City of Everett - Water
<br />Departme �t
<br />All binnks must bc filicd in ar c�»�aed out
<br />THI3 AGRF.F.1fENT, entered into this 1Sth dny ot \inrch, ]925, bchceen the Lo�cell 1Vnter Di:tricl, n municipnl cor-
<br />pm•et[oo pa r:y of tho tirFt pnrt, nnd lhe City of L•'��crctt, n municipal rnrporation, ¢nrty ot the second Pnrt, WITNF.SSIi1'li:
<br />R;HEkEAS, the party of the first Pnrt is n newly crented �cnter district for the purpo=e ot furnishing n dome=tic
<br />water aupP1Y to the inhabiL�nts of lhet locnlity knou�n ns Lowell, immedintcly r.djacent ta the City o[ P:cerett, un lhe Soulh,
<br />end
<br />WHEREAS, aeid Dietrict hns completed lhe construction at its main distribution system and is ready to begin Lm�•
<br />niehinq wetcr to rts petrons, end,
<br />WH3REA5, the Cit3' of Everett is mninGlining and opernlir�� n mm�icipnl water sysle�a, togethcr a•ilh all of thc
<br />neceseary mechinery and prruonnel tor lLe same, nnid Evemtt �pnter Sysicm recerving its mnin ��•atcr sunn�v thru the gul-
<br />ta•.� pipe Ilne from the Sul4m ..iver, �vl�•icL P�V� �ine runs lhru the I.oweil Nnler DistricL r.o�l trom x•hich line seid disttict
<br />will receive ita nnpply of u•nter, and,
<br />Wi{i:REAS, if the soid Distri:6 is compelled lo erente nnd seL up the necessary machinery for conducting its own
<br />water eyetem and to kee•p ite o!en nrcounts, mnke its collections, nnd mnintflin nnd kecp in repair its syvtem at Pipes, the
<br />naid eyeqm w�ll be operated nt a finnncini kss, nnd,
<br />WHEREAS, it will be tor the int^rest of �aid I.owell 1Vnter Pislrict to make use of the anid mnchinery nnd persnnnel
<br />of the Everett Water System for tlia o iernt.ion n[ the syslem oC Lhe District in ronjunctian therewith and the execution ot
<br />this ngreement wili work to lhe mntun� adcnslage uf the City oC livcreit nnd the I,o�vell Wnler District, \ON, TIiERE-
<br />FORE.
<br />BE IT AGRIiED Ly and betwlicn the Partics hereto as follotex:
<br />1.—The City oY F:verett is hereb}• nan��ed lhe ngenL of the LoweLl R'nter Dislrict nnd suid ngent ehnll conduct, cnrry
<br />on, meintein snd kcep .n rePpt* �nd meke r^new•als W the efitirc w•atcr system o[ Ihc l.owcll Nuter District. it shnll keep
<br />all the nemunts af xnid Distr�et nnd mnke nll collecliona of water rntes na hereinhefnre provided.
<br />2,—q'}�c money received by the Cily of I'sverctt from wnler rnte callections shnll bc rctaineJ by snid City nnd �hall Le
<br />accounted for ae follows: �
<br />First: Prom snid fudds I:ecrett shnll mcet nll m' tlm oper+iting ez renses ot said District, exccpt tur principal nnd
<br />intercat upon, nnd �inkinq Cunds for thc retn•ement af any bonds issued �y tUe Disiricl.
<br />Second: A deerecintion nccount +hnll be crented nmounting lo five per cent (57.) annnally upmi the capilal incest-
<br />ment of the C�ly oZ Lverett witli snid 1Vntrr District, �rhich is herebr ngrced lo hm�e n presenl value af SSG00.00 nnd te�o
<br />per cent 127�) nM�uallv upon the enpital investment of the Lo�cell 1Vxter Dislricl, �vhich is hcrcby ngreed to hnce n Presenl
<br />velue uf $32,000.00. Said <lepreciation acenunt to be used bg the City nf EcercU inr reneu•als �nd replucemenis of snid waler
<br />eystem.
<br />Third: Thnt ns enmPensntion for its =en•icca na ngent of the Lo�cell Nater District im m�intaining nnd cond�ctin�
<br />Pflld nxter sYstem lhe City ot }:verett ehnll havc ns ils c�mpensation ns such ngent, the rnrnings, iC nny, of seid Nntcr
<br />Dletrict, over and nbnvu enid expenses nf oPrrntion, mointennnce nnd pngments to be crediled to lhe depreciaLion nccount.
<br />S: I6 in agreed thaL the Cily of F.vereJ,t shall keep n sepnrnte nccount of all mcney�s enllecled from cr expended n'ilh-
<br />in said Lowell Natc; Dislrict during the life uf this ngreement.
<br />4: lt is agrerd that EerreU shnll be employed to mnke nll necessnry ser��ice cha:iges trom lhe old R'ood's Creek line
<br />aud Eeerett diRtnbution eystem in the new sY�tem ot the District, thc samc to Uc paid for by lhc conaumcrs. Likce�ise all
<br />new een�ces in the futu�e snnll be connected 6y Fcerett nnd pxid fm• in like mnnner by �he consumers.
<br />6: I4 ia further ngrecd lhat nll �crrices in the I.nwell Wnter Uistricl shnil bo immedintely metered nt rales to be
<br />tixed bv the Commisnioners of the I.owcll 1Y�ter District. Sud� melers to Le ch�rgeri to cnpi.nl outlny nnd pnid for as avch
<br />by thc �Vater District.
<br />8: It ix Surther nqre�v3 Lhnt lhc Lo�vcll Wnter DistrirC shall lev}�, enrh ycor, n sum c�ual to $2.00 per month for
<br />eneh tire hydrnnt located witltin snid DistricL, which sum shnll be paid lo the City nf Cverett ns n hydrnnt rentnl, in addition
<br />to-other compensntion to sxid Citp Provided for Lcrcin.
<br />7: The City of F.verett ngree= to furmsh surplue �rater lo thc Lowcll R'r.tcr Dislricl as lonq as thSs agreement re-
<br />meSnn tn effect.
<br />R: IL is firthcr a�rced thnt nll prenent properly riqhtv in xnid Distrirt at thc pnrtirc hcrntn chnll be retnfned.
<br />9: If. is turther ngrned tUnt nll extensions of mnins within snid I.owell Wnter llistrict shnll be conatructed end peid
<br />far by nesesnments upon ebutling property thru Local Tmprovement Districts crented Uy the Loo��ll Water District.
<br />10: The life at lhis ngrecment shall bc for fifty (60) ycnrs.
<br />F.xcept nx othern•ise provided in this nQreement, thc rulec, regulntions and ordinances gocerning the R'aler Depert�
<br />ntent of the C�ty o[ Everctt sholl qovern ns lo i.o�rcll Wnter llislrict consumers.
<br />LOIPGLL \VATF.R DISTRiCT, n Ttunicipal Corporetion,
<br />Pntty of the Firat Pnrt.
<br />Attesh. J. A. NYAT7', Secretnry. - . By A. A. B. SORDAN, President.
<br />CITI' OF liVliRrTT, n Municipal Corporation,
<br />. � . . Pnrly oi lhc Second Part.
<br />Attest: LOU18 LF.STi, Ci[y Clerk. � By J. 'Z; STSITii, Mny'or.
<br />b '�
<br />Tivcrett� H'nsh .................�_..................._........_19'L..r.I
<br />CITI' OF C\'ERtiTT:
<br />i hereby apply tor Ihe nae of tcater in acenrdnnee �cilh the rules nnd regulntions n[ the Cily ot Pverell Nnter De-
<br />purlmenl, for the DuiToses �nd tixlurca stnted bclo�v,
<br />DurinK lhe time that nny nf the �cntrr nmins map Le tnkrn up Uy ressmi of nnc improvemenls nuthm�ized bv Uu City
<br />ot EverMt m• lhe Loa�cll R'nter District, in ar on nnp stre^L �r nllcY in u'hich thep may hnce �men laid, lhe Citp \Vnter lle-
<br />parlment �eill nnt be requimd ln fwni�h �rnter during tLe Pra�ress of �.m�li impr�n'emrnls tn :my can:umer �cho<c �ul�Ply ma}•
<br />lhus Uc cuL o(t, nr he lipable for any dam:�ges tor iis fnihnro so In do.
<br />Applicetion No.....�.�?..L..�.t...:...
<br />ni��k ,:..:�j _. . t.�c�}� .'f / _. _a,`a�r � _.. _ ._ .__.. .... ......_.__.
<br />, /�
<br />\o. ....._. �Z..� �_ . .. J � . �' ..._. _.. Slrrr� //�°'I
<br />............................................... .... 5.................. .. ..� ...... .. .. ..�... .. ...... .... ......... .� .......................... ..
<br />i
<br />.. .'...�..
<br />Thc work tn be exceuted b�......._ .............._..................._........ _...........' ........ .. ............ ..._....... ................. Plmnbet
<br />j � . . Ilosc bib outsiLc.
<br />........... .. ......
<br />..��...,........_.TnP tn be inscrled m Lhc mnm. C...� .......... ..._�......
<br />—�.........11'nlcr closet. •_ �' �� ..-- ...................Iluse Lib for building Purpnses.
<br />...........
<br />.."...—�...Rath. � Y ..._".::..... :.Ho=c biU insidc.
<br />.................._.._Urirml. � � ._..............._....Bib for atnble cnnlaining.........._stnlls.__.......
<br />.�.�.' .............Plnin taucet inside. .........�...-. ._..Number �t persons in fnmilY.
<br />_._--__.....-.:�...Sidc nmlk «�ashcr. ...._....�"........Nuinber of �vums in building.
<br />The Premisca nre lo be used ns n . .... //1 _ .... —� ._ .... . ..... . ............. .. .
<br />ri. o�rner nf ihe premisea is__._ _..... .....�.... �! .. . . .._..... . . _ ..._ _ _ ..._ . ...... ..... ..
<br />14. .._..... ......._.. ....... . . _.._....... . .__._.._. _._ ........ . . ..... .. . ....... . ...... ........ .
<br />lic.tion nl..huu�h a��,md -hall not bc Lindm�, upon lhc C�t} ot B�r�Mt nr thc Lowcll \4ater lli,Crict, until
<br />SuperiMendont of thc \1'nter Department of Ercrett.
<br />the cnpp of Lhe contrncC behecen the City nf Bccrcll nnd tne Lms�ell Nnter District herMo ettached und
<br />nnrt nf Lltin Applicntiou Agrcemeni nnd t t:r applicmt, ereby ngre to 6e bo'un/d by the terms hrreof.
<br />Sit;nr ...._.... .�... ..� .�......_ ����. ✓ ............_.... APPlicnnt
<br />/ �+
<br />....l...t..G.-.[�T........102...._ L'y..... ...��. `�.. . . .. ......._ ....................
<br />/ ��. — SuPerintendent.
<br />