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Thomas Kelly JN 95192 <br /> June 7, 1995 Page 4 <br /> Pazar�etet—_ _ . _—�-eei9n Value <br /> Coetficient of Friction 0.40 <br /> Passive Earth Pressure 200 pcf <br /> Where: <br /> (1) pcf is pounds per cubic foot. <br /> (2) Passive earth pressure is computed using the <br /> equivalent iluid density. <br /> We recommend a safety factor of at least 1.5 for the founde.tion's resistance to lateral <br /> loading,when using the above design values. <br /> . <br /> Seismi�cQn�ideL�tlon� <br /> The site is located within Seismic Zone 3 as illustrated on Figure No. 23-2 of the 1991 <br /> Unifo�m Building Code (UBC). In ��ccordance with Table 23J of the 1991 UBC, the site soil <br /> prc' is best represented by Profile Type S2. The sands are not subject to aeismic <br /> Iiqu,,action. <br /> �1��9nSc� <br /> The�uilding floors may be constructed as slabs-on-grade atop native sands or structural fill. <br /> The subgrade soils must be in a firm, non-yielding condition at the time of slab construction <br /> or underslab fill placement. Any soft areas encountered should be excavated and replaced <br /> with select, fmported, structural fill. <br /> All slabs-on-grade should be underlain by a capillary break or drainage layer consisting of a <br /> minimum 4-inch thickness of coarse, tree-draining, structural fill with a gradation similar to <br /> that discussed later in P_QimaoenLFoundatiop an.c�8e��101ng ld�ll�. In areas where <br /> the passege of moisture through the �lab is undesirable, a vapor barrier, such as a 6-mil <br /> plastic membrane, should be placed beneath the slab. Additionally, sand should be used in <br /> the flne-grading process to reduce damage to the vapor barrier to provide uniform support <br /> under the slab, and to reduce shrinkage cracking by improving the concrete curing process. <br /> Isolstion joints should be provided where the slabs intersect columns and walls. Control <br /> and expansion Joints should also be used to control cracking from expansion and <br /> contraction. Saw cuts or preformed strip joints used to controi shrinkay� cracking should <br /> extend through the upper one-fo�:th of the slab. Ths spacing of control or expansion joints <br /> (ili0'll?CII CONtiUI:fAMti,ING <br />