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2710 VIEWCREST AVE 2016-01-01 MF Import
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JN 95192 _ <br /> Thomas Kelly page 7 <br /> June 7, 1995 <br /> outside grade does not slope downwards from a building. Drains should also be placed at <br /> the base of all backfilled, earth-retaining walls. These drains should be surrounjed by at <br /> least 6 inches af 1-inch-minus, washed rock and then wrapped in non-woven, geotextile <br /> filter fabric (Mirafi 140N, Supac 4NP, or similar material). At its highest point, a perforated <br /> pipe invert Should be at least As low as the bottom of the footing, and it should be s!oped tor <br /> drainage. All roof and surface water drains must be kept sepazate from the foundation drain <br /> system. For the best long-term periormance, perforated PVC pipe is recommended for the <br /> footing drains. <br /> The excavation and site should be graded so that surface water is dirtcted off the site and <br /> away from the tops of slopes. Water should not be allowed to stand in any area where <br /> foundations, slabs, or pavements are to be constructed. Final site grading in areas adjacent <br /> to the building should slope away at least 2 percent, except where the area is paved. Water <br /> from roof, stormwater, and toundation drains should not be discharged onto the slope; it <br /> should be tightlined to a suitable outfall located away from the slope. If a storm drain is not <br /> available, the water may bc+ dischazged into a properly des�;ned intiltration or dispersion <br /> trench located at least 15 feot from the top of the slope. <br /> �eneral EanhworlLa�d�Si�4Ll�ill <br /> All building and pavement areas should be strippad of s��rface vegetation, topsoll, organic <br /> sofls, and other deleterious material. The stripped or removed materials shouid not be <br /> mixed with any materials to be used as structural fill, but they could be used in <br /> non-structural areas, such as landscape beds. <br /> Structural till is defr7ed as any fill placed under the building, behind permanent retalning or <br /> toundation walls, c: in other areas where the underlying soils need to support ioads. All <br /> structural fill should be placed in horizontal Iifts with a moisture content at, or near, the <br /> optimum moisture content. The optimum moisture content is that rioisture corrtent that <br /> results in the gr:atest compacted dry densily. The moisture content of fill soils is very <br /> important and must be closely controlled during the fillfng and compaction process. <br /> The allowable thickness of the fill lift will depend on the material type salected, the compac- <br /> tion equipment used, and the number of passes made to compact the lift. The loose lift <br /> thickness should not exceed 12 inches. We recommend testing ihe fill as it is placed. If the <br /> fill is not compacted to specifications, it can be recompacted before another lift is placed. <br /> This will eliminate the need to remove the fill to achieve the requ�red compaction. The <br /> following table presents recommended relative compactions for structural fill: <br /> GIiO'17iC11[1ONtiUI:PAN'IS.INC. <br />
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