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MONTE CRISTO PARTNERS, L.Y. <br />2731 WETMORE AVENUE, SUITE 500 <br />EVERETT, WASHINGTON 98201 <br />206-388-8400 <br />PAX 206-388-340 f <br />Novembcr 12,1993 <br />Ma Dave Lang <br />TAE I�AFN COMPANY <br />P.O. Box 4229 <br />Bellevue, Wa. 98009 <br />RE: MONTE CRISTO HOTEL - PASSPORT TENANT IMPROVEMENTS <br />Dear Dave, <br />I asked GGLO Architects to send you six additional sets of The Passport Restaurant Drawings <br />dated 11/9/93 for The Rafn Company to price. Also enclosed, please find Exhibit B- <br />Improvements that wc, the landlord, aze providing. Most of the items aze included with either <br />our Base and/or Ret�il contract with Rafn and aze labeled "Shell". Those items labeled "TI" will <br />need to be priced and added. <br />Per ou� discussions, the Passport Restaurant (Nan Wilkinson and Lil Miller) will be moving from <br />their present operations on Hewitt Street to the Monte Cristo Hotel. This includes all their <br />present kitchen equipment, cooler, bur and furnishings. It is not yef clear whether they will move <br />it themselves or, whether a kitchen equipment supplier will remove the equipment and clean it <br />prior to set up in the hotel. In any case, the mechanical, electrical and plumbing subcontractors <br />should inspect the existing kitchen. Momings or late aftemoons seem to be the best. Let me <br />know for coordination with The Passport. <br />Should you have any questions regazding this scope of work, please call me. <br />Sincerely, <br />_�.: <br />�--'7 <br />� � <br />J /� /,�'r/a:ti-�-�--� <br />J Rick Reininger <br />CC: The Passport Restaurant <br />Enclosure <br />