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'�Jrl� � ._ � ..� ..y'�''«.`.�� .J; <br />� `�' ��ATER GQ 141�'�. <br />` .. ,.. ..., <br />4 ..., • � �� . <br />�.�tet°a � � ; �. �: i <br />.J /' � c—�- <br />" .� ���- .CIRCULAR <br />Qo� -'"" ,. . �,x <br />•.• ..� _fAi'� Tn <br />Qoge'"� ._...r <br />Pl UMBERS AND PIPE �ITTERS <br />In :idilitiue lu lha ralre nnd regulnUmi+ ��[ thc ('ampm)• respov�ing �calrr <br />��iPPlp. thc follo�clnR InstrncUonx nrc P�iblished fur Ilc iutormatimi nnd <br />�;nidnni�c of Plnmhera. UID�`�Il�lors nnd nll V�`�"���a rollcolnrd: <br />On the bro.k of Ihis sl�rel :� elntem^nt ��t �ho o'm�k alnne nnJ Ii�t.un•s P��t. <br />In mast br madc hy lhe Plumbrr nnd irturn�•d l�� �h�� �•III<'c nf lhr Cnnr <br />pnn).. <br />In nll rnsrs a"etoP nn�l a'nrtd' ma�l be put In.:�Hd sn Placrd thnt It Ix <br />rasily n�r��exlLlc lo th�• ennsunme :���d In nurh a Pnsilion thnt. it o�Ili drn!n n!1 <br />thc pIV�`�. If Plaa�•il ouleide Lnli�lin;: it nw�.l bc 6nxid. Fo Ilmt It can br <br />��nFih• rcached. nnd eo Uu�l IL r;m 6r proterteJ frnm iro;L AII p(Pr�. Invidv <br />nnd outxide. �mxt be Inid trca frnm irnUn eo thnt ihcF �eill drnin ��'hen tl�r <br />{\':IFLC Ifl OIIPII. <br />����IPF �II ��1P F'1'OIIIII� O111P� �IC �11�1� �IO� �OSY ��IIIII �MCII�)'-�OIIT IIIfI1CN IP'lON' <br />��11` 9111'�f1PC. <br />A�� �II�1CH p1119� �lo YIIII PO IlF �O IICO�1� XIO�1�III�,PS '�tlll t�� lPfl�lti O111G1 11C <br />P'P�� flPP�II'01�. <br />�O I1119I11114 i1111N� I�� IIACiI �O �, '-^fl \1'1�h UIO stnp rork nl �Fc s(deo'nik: <br />nIPPIcP m� mdurin� ?o^kets ma>' br ne��il i� n��cevanrc. <br />tin PIP� �mt rnn hc�corn lh�� CmnP����''s srrvirc.rncic nml maln. nnJ <br />in ri�xr n��'nter m�•I��r le ret. na PIPr mneL M1r rmmrcted outsiJe the m�Ner. <br />Ylnmbrre mnp I�u'n on �enMr for Il�r Purpnvr nf Ii�e11nF Uroh' PiV�a. hut <br />ihry Inuet lenr�� il ehut. oR N Ihe ComP����'� °�'�'�'ice�•rn9c, and In no case <br />turn on lhe water (or consumern. <br />Thr n'n�rl' tclll u�.t L� Un'ned mi m nnr prv�mlR« untfl Ou• sl�trmonl <br />hrrrin rrqnimd has 4een fnrnlshod la Ih�� Cmnnnup :inJ ihr Incprr�or sh:�❑ <br />c•��rUfy LhnL iho e'r:ic lmc hern �lour In m,rordnnrr e�llh ife ��»I�•s nnd ro�;ulm <br />tlous. <br />A. C. PATTERSON, <br />Suprrinlm�danl IZcrr�lt \\nti�PCnntP���U. <br />