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� Q _ <br />EVERETT WATER COMPAN`;'. <br />�4 <br />CIRCULAR <br />.......... <br />PLUMBERS AND PIPE FITTERS <br />hn addition to the rnlc.:uul n�qulations of the Coinpanx. re- <br />specting water supple, the folloNving instructions are published <br />for the information lilt(] guid:un•c of plumbers, pipe -litters and all <br />persons concerned: <br />thu the back of this sheet a statement of the work done :utrl <br />futures put in must be made hr the plumber and returned to the <br />office of the Conup:ouv. - <br />In all cases a ".top and waste" must be out ill, and so placed <br />that it is cosily accessible to tlue consumer, and in such a pasition <br />that it will drain all the pipes. if placed outside the building it <br />must he hexed, so that it Caul be easily reached, turd so that it <br />call be protected from frost. All oipes, inside ❑ud outside, must <br />be laid free from traps so that titer gill drain when the waste is <br />open. <br />Pipes in the ground must he laid not less than twentvdour <br />inches below the surL•re. <br />All pipes must he run so as to avoid stoppages and all traps <br />must be well secured. <br />No bushing must be used to connect with the stop -cock at the <br />sidewalk: nipples or reducing sockets tuav be used if necessary. <br />No pipe can run between the Co it panv's service -cock and <br />main, ;in(] in case a tenter meter is set, no pipe must he connected <br />outside the nu¢ter. <br />Plumbers may turn on water for the purpose of testing their <br />pipes, hilt tiler must leave it -shut off ;it the Contpan}''s serviee- <br />cock, and in no case turn on the water for consumers. <br />The water Will not be turned on to aay premises until the <br />statenncut herein raquired has been furnished to the Connpanv <br />and the inspector shall certify that the work lulls been done in <br />accordance with its odes and rcgulm.ions. <br />A. C. PATTERSON, <br />Superintendent flveratt water Company. <br />