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20ATE ' CC ?PANY. <br />` ► CIRCULAR <br />T lYl <br />Pago ---------- <br />PLUMBERS AND PIPE' FITTERS <br />In addition to the rules and regulatlon�, el the Cm,,p ny respecting water <br />supply, the following instructions are Published for —the Information unit <br />guidance of plumbers, pipe -fitters and All persons concerned: <br />Cu the Imelc of lids shoot n statement of file w•m9c Lone and fixtures Put <br />In most be made by the Plumber and returned to- + office of the-Oom• <br />Pliny . <br />In all eases a "stop rind waste" must be Pitt in. ;o a so Placed that It Is <br />easily accessible to the consumer, and In such n positlan that it will drain all <br />the pipes, if placed outside the building It must be bend, so that It can bo <br />easily reached, and no that it can be protected front bust. All pips, inside <br />and outside, must be laid free from traps uh that the.. u911 drrin when Lire <br />waste Is open. at.t <br />Pipes In the ground must be laid not lens than tweyty.four inches below <br />flue surface. ! <br />All pipes must be run so as to nvold stoPPPPes ^n 1 all traps most be <br />•ell secured <br />�= No hushing must he aced to connoet with the slap -Melt at. the sidewalk; <br />nipples or reducing socltots may be used It necessay. ' <br />Na pipe can run betw•oot the Company's sercle"Ick and msln, and <br />In case a water meter Is set, no PIPo most he connectedjbutside the meter. <br />Plumbers may Porn on water for the purpose of totting their plies, bill. <br />they must leave It shut off at the Company's service -cork• and In no case 1 <br />turn on the water for consumers. <br />The water will not be turned on to any premises until the stntement <br />herein required has been furnished to the Company nud the Inspector shall <br />rertify thatthe warp has been done in accordance wilt its rules and reguda- <br />Lions. <br />A. C. PATTERSON, <br />Superintendent live •oil R liter Cmnpl ny. <br />