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June 16, 1954. <br />Mr. .',P. `'outlns <br />Everett, Washington <br />Dear Sirs <br />This ie to intbrn you tlw,t your application to construct <br />concrete d ivewnge on Ducker Avenue hue been approved I* the City Coun- <br />cil. A cosy of the sketch ah wing the aj,provad work is oncloeed. All <br />r,ork must conform to this cketch. <br />A corny of our rules rrd regul.rtions govexiang work an City <br />str,ets is enclosed. <br />Please notify us when you stall this Fork as we)suet iuspoot <br />the work before any concrets is poured. <br />This pa7mit is valid for a period of sixty (60) dcyep if the <br />wurk hce not been done at the end of trrt timeP it will be rece::r-: ry <br />for you to obtaiu a new permit. <br />e ply, <br />Aouney V. Alvin <br />City mgineor. <br />RV C/a <br />Ene. <br />