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May 6, 1959 <br />Robert A. Stevenson <br />18044 Advalo <br />Seattle 33, i<a hingtcn <br />Dear �'ir: <br />This is to inform yrnz that your application to construct a 6" portland <br />ce7,tent concrete driv-way at 4025 Rucker Ave. has been approve:l. A <br />ropy of the sketch showing the approvrd work is enclosed. All -work <br />Waist conform to this sketch. <br />A copy of our rules and regulntions governing work on City streets is <br />enclosed. <br />Please notify 'as w en you start this work as we must inspect the work before <br />any concrete is pourod. <br />This permit is vslid for a period of sixty (60) d-ys, if the work has not <br />bren done at the end of that time, it will be necessary :or you to <br />obtain a view rermit. <br />Sinr.rcly, ` <br />K'C/a o$ley �. Cc. i l <br />'nc• City E�ginaer <br />