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June 26, 1956 <br />Xr, Hobt. L. Windler <br />15626 - 12th Sd., <br />Seattle, Washington <br />Dear Sir: <br />This is to inform ,you that your application to remove and n^place <br />Wdsting concro'.e slab apd pump island, construct concrete curbs and <br />concrete sidewalks and 6 Portland cement concrete driveway acid pave <br />area between parking lot"and sidewalks with asphaltic pavement has been <br />approved by the City Council. A copy of the approved sketch shmring the <br />approved work is enclosed. All work nest con£orrr to this sketch. <br />A copy or' our rules and regulations governing work on City streets is <br />enclosed. <br />Please notify us when you start this work as we must inspect the work <br />before ary concrete is poured. <br />This permit is valid for a period of sixty (6o) days, it the work has <br />not been done at the end of that timo; it will be necessary for you to <br />obtain a new permit. <br />5 rarly, <br />ttodn�Vc,\\n <br />:fro. <br />RAf/a City rngineeN <br />