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i;ta^ port.on of Lot_ 3LMaple Heights, as per plat recorded in Volume 10 of <br />' <br />-fiats on page recor3s of Snohomish County, described as follows: <br />f's <br />B,�inning at the Northwest corner of said Lot 3; thence South 52°42'45" <br />3st, along the North line of said Lot 3 for 104.0 feet to the true point of <br />beginning; thence continue along the same straight line for 92.0 feer to the <br />\ortheast corner of said Lot 3; thence South along the East line of. said <br />Lot 3 for 183.39 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 3; thence North 55' <br />0613S" :last along the South line of said Lot 3 for 203.17 feet; thence North <br />37°14'40" East for 154.43 feet to the trae point of beginning; <br />I.E5,5_ r+lf50Tl,WCs,59-Ly 256.50 ' -rAf4FOF AS v-1EAr(12.F-0 OA2ALLEt_ <br />TO THE Com"to i LINF_ 6FiWFEN ko-r5 3 R-"D OF SAID OLA% <br />a <br />c : <br />TpG'T-P Q WITH an easment for road described as Follows: A strip of lard <br />between Lots 2 and 3 of Maplef <br />foes in width parallel to the common line <br />Easterly margin of Mu kiltso Boulevard; thence South <br />Heights, beginning at the <br />East for 104.0 feet. .:•------_-___._--•J <br />- -- - - -- ' - <br />a;. <br />