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APPLICATION FOR HOUSE NUMBER <br />Date July 24, 1967 <br />Name Hay Moore <br />Present Address <br />Street <br />Number Assigned 4424 <br />Phone <br />Legal Description of Property That portion of Lot 3, Map,e Heights, as per Plat recorded in <br />Vol 10 of Plats on paee 23, records of Snohomish County, Described as follows: Beg- <br />inning at the Northwest Corner of said Lot 3; thence South 52°42'45" East, alone the <br />North line of said lot 3 for 104.0 feet to th true point of bepinninp; thence con- <br />tirn e alnno the came straight line for 92.0 feet to the Northeast corner of ,aid <br />I nf 7t ihpncp--,5nijth along the EaFl I ine. of said Int 3 for 183 39 feet in the Sowthesst <br />�nrner pf said I ni than a Nnrjh 55006' 3R° lfect along the Snuila line of said Let 3 <br />F,r 203,17 reel - ±ham N-fh37aldtdf111 Fpqi for 154d3 fppi in thIrtup nin t of <br />hnginnipg; Less ihaSeu liwe to ]� 5( 50 0opt thereof Aq mAAqijrPH pa—Ll l In the <br />common line between Lot 3 and 4 of said Plat. <br />CITY OF EVERETT <br />ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Issued by Bob Sparlin <br />FORM NO. 435001 ('- <br />