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y Lh y S C- r. , , „.--� <br />ALLEGATIONS OF APPLICANT <br />POINT 1. The following are the special cireumntances which apply to my <br />property Which deprive me of rights and privilegee which are enjoyed by other <br />properties in the vicinity under the identical zone classification. <br />11 <br />S <br />POINT a. The variance I am requesting will not be detrimental to the public <br />welfare or injurious to the properties or improvements in the vicinity of a Kona <br />in which my property is located because: <br />/!/U//it/ As J-aci1 71,9T ND Nf uli1//Fc[) <br />POINT 3. If We variance is not granted, an unnecessary hardship will continue <br />to the owner of this property, the cause of which is beyond his control because: <br />l6f - OF 2e, Ba d 2;6r iJ -7;Vl <br />POINT 4. So as not to grant a special privilege to me by the granting of this <br />variance I submit the following conditions to be imposed so as not to cause <br />inconsistencies with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and <br />tone in which I am located,. <br />0're <br />