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WF.SHINGTD.`I <br />it TITLE LN—_vRr zcE: <br />J REAL ESTiiA��TE cAl ES TX( <br />AMOUNT klDi2 -�''i-'•'C" <br />REAL ESTATE CONTRACT RECEtFrr NO._J_!=L_.ta'. <br />DEC 201966 <br />^l THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this <br />MIT sIE us, Sratnui. Q.: IMI-1,n <br />L7th day of Declinber- 1966,_-.'= <br />J;napr <br />Q, between WILLIAM D. JORDAN and ELIZABETH M. JORDAN, his wife, <br />hereinafter called the "seller;' and DELL J. RUSSELL, JR. and JACKLYN P. RUSSELL, his wife, <br />and CHARLES B. GILKEY and JOANNE E. GILKEY, his wife, <br />hereirafter called the "purchaser;' <br />NVITN ESSETH : That the seller agrees to sell to the purchaser and the purchaser agrees to purchase of the <br />seller the following described real estate, with the appurtenances, situate in the County of Snohomish , <br />State of Washington, to -wit: (See attached) -- — --- <br />That portion of Lot Three (3), Maple Heights, as per plat recorded in Volume <br />10 of Plats on page 23, records of Snohomish County, described as follows: <br />Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Lot 3; thence South 52° 42' 45" <br />East, along the North line of said Lot 3 for 104.0 feet to the true point of <br />beginning; thence continue along the same straight line for 92.0 feet to the <br />Northeast corner of said Lot 3; thence South along the East lire of said <br />Lot 3 for 183.39 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 3; thence North 550 <br /><r 06' 38" West along the South line of said Lot 3 for 203.17 feet; thence North <br />370 14' 40" East for 154.43 feet to the true point of beginning: <br />N 1. <br />N <br />Q� TOGETHER WITH an easement for a road described as follows: A strip of land <br />— 20 feet in width parallel to the common line bete. T.ots 2 and 3 of Maple <br />Heights, beginning at the Easterly margin of Mu. Boulevard; thence South <br />520 42' 45 East for 104.0 feet. <br />2_ <br />TOGETHER WITH an easement for ingress, egres. wer and utilities over <br />the Ncrtheasterly 20 feet of Lot 4, Maple Height_ -id easement running <br />parallel to common line between Lots 3 and 4; <br />3_ <br />TOGETHER WITH an easement for sewer over Lot 4 Maple Heights, said sewer <br />to serve one residence on the following real estate: Lot 15 Maple Heights, <br />less North 30 feet, LESS East 113.2 feet of South 93.39 feet. <br />SUBJECT TO easement made by William D. Jordan ;nd Elizabeth M. Jordan, <br />husband and wife, to the City of Everett, a municipal corporation, dated <br />1964, recorded June 2, 1964 in Volume 854 of Deeds on oagn 247 <br />���J '/• SET On/ 7j1.6 /'1,41AI FLOU/>,_ ,,v �C• <br />Wher. balance of purchase price equals balance of prior contracts, mortgages or other outstanding encumbrances <br />on the property herein, said purchaser shall be entitled to a deed, subject to said encumbrances, provided purchaser <br />has fulfilled all other commitments required of him by this contract. <br />The purchaser is entitled to take possession of said premises on date of closing unless otherwise determined <br />by the parties. <br />The purchaser agrees to pay before delinquency all taxes and assessments that may as between grantor and <br />grantee hereafter become a lien on said premises. <br />The purchaser assumes all hazards of damage to or destruction of any improvements now on said land or <br />hereafter to be placed thereon, and of the taking of said premises or any part thereof for public use. <br />The purchaser agrees, until full payment of the said purchase price, to keep all buildings on said described <br />premises insured to the full insurable value thereof against loss or damage by fire in some company acceptable to <br />the seller and for the seller's benefit as interest may appear and to pay all premiums therefor and to deliver all <br />policies and renewals thereof to the seller. <br />In case the purchaser shall fail to make any payment hereinbefore provided by the purchaser to be made, the <br />seller may make such payment and any amount so paid by the seller, together with interest thereon from date of <br />payment until repaid at the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum, shall be repayable by the purchaser on demand, <br />all without prejudice to any other right the seller might have by reason of such default. <br />I <br />�FFh'gL n^ECOFDS <br />- .:.. ,...MawA* <br />