Hanger (Suspension) Wires n�q��c; �a ��d �m
<br />• Han9er and perimoler v+ires mus? be plumb within 1 in 6 unless (ligure 5a)
<br />counter slaping wires a�e pmvided (figure 5b1. "�.�.���, �;,=ir.t c o,r,:..:.:� ���.'. •.�
<br />• Han9er wi�es shall be 12 gage and s�iaced 4 leet on cente� or 1D gage
<br />spaced 5 feet on centec s�,���,� <c1r.! ;, c��:
<br />• Any connection device at the supporting constrcction sholl be capable ot car-
<br />rying nol less ihan 100 pounds. ���.��:�: c iscn :�- �-� �-�
<br />• powder-driven shd-in anchors (PAFs) are an a�:proved method of attaclvnent
<br />br i�anger wires. t".-.:�.. c.�, ,. �, ��. e�,�m��,� c�a,. o,.,,..-��
<br />• Terminal ends ol each main beam a�id aoss tee must be supported within 8
<br />inches of each wall with a perimeter wire (see figum d S 5 6;. _�. ��::�: ��`�=�� ��������� �` �
<br />• Wires shall not atlach to or b^nd around inieAering material or equipment. A
<br />trapeze or equivalent device shall be us� • where obsiruc �ions preclude direct
<br />suspension. Trapeze suspensions shall be a minimum of back•to-back i'/. inch
<br />.-�Idrrolled ch�u�els lorspans teeediny 48 inclies. ������ �;-�
<br />Electrical fixWres
<br />• Lighl lixtures weighing less �han 10 pounds shall have one 12 gage hange�
<br />wire connected Irom ihe tixWre lo the structure above. This wire may be slack.
<br />_.����,�,.. accn ��,...�,�� :-��,. �-:
<br />• Li9ht fixtures weighing morc than 10 pounds and less than 561bs. shall have
<br />hvo 12 gage wires altached a� opposing comers of lhe light fixWre lo Ihe
<br />siructure above. These wires may be slack. _�:��.,,;,- a-e%� _o.•,^���.:�:,,ez:,-�
<br />• Light Fix�ures weighing more than 561bs. shall be supported directly (mm the
<br />structwe above. These wires must be tauL <� �� �.,�sc;n;.-�-�TM�-: �-��'•.'-a
<br />• Pendant mounted IixWres shall be directly supported irom ihe siructure above
<br />using a 9 gage wire or an approved allernale supPorl without using Vhe ceiling
<br />suspensionsyslemfordirecisupport.�.:.�.. � .,.,..�..�� .. .;.'
<br />• landem lixtures may utilize common wires.
<br />M� chanic8l Sewices — — — —
<br />_ _/
<br />� Tciminals or services weighing 201bs. but not more than 5G Ibs. musl have hvo
<br />+? yage wires connecting �hem to �he ceiling system hanc�ers or the st�uclure
<br />�ibove. These wims may be slack.:�., �.�,�, �� rc� r,;., . .� � .� . ., ,
<br />• lerminals or services weic�hing more ihan SG Ibs. must be independently
<br />supported directly imm the sVucWre above. These wires must be taul. �,: �.�.�r��
<br />_��. `�.r-.,�,..o. .�.:9-.�
<br />Seismic Separation Joints q����o �1
<br />• For ceiling areas ezceeding 2,50U square Ieet, a seismic separation joinl or tull
<br />height wall partition ihat breaks the ceiling shall be provided unless analyses
<br />a�e perfonned of ihe ceilings bracinc� system, closure angles and penetra�ions
<br />to prov�de sullicienl clearance.: �. �� ��s�. r: �� �"���,.^ � i , �' ° r�'=� "
<br />• Thc layoat and location of Ihe seismic separation joint shall be per the design-
<br />er at record and noted on ihe plans. If a seismic separation joint is required by
<br />the designer, lhe desiyner may use �he generic joint detailed in this document
<br />or a propriclary joinL The amounl o� Iree movemenl (yap design) shall be a
<br />minimum ot'/, inch :����,... �i i c�.�.�o�,. c� i �.�.+-�� ,. ����
<br />• In lieu ot seismic separation joinis, ihe ceiling may be divided inio areas less
<br />than 2500 square feet hy the use ol paAitions or sof6ls as follov+s: partitiens shall
<br />oxlend a minimum oi 6 inches above the b:vel of the plane ol lhe griJ and shall
<br />he independently braced to ihe structurc above Soffils shall extend to a poini al
<br />least levcl with the botloin plane of the grid and shall be independently supported
<br />and laterally braced to the slrucWre above. _ � � sa�- �.' , -�� i-� ", '; . .. .
<br />• OUier than partilions and solfits, seismic joints may nat be used as part of a
<br />fire rated ceiling assembly unless substantiatin9 dorumentation is provided.
<br />.. .,�. ,- ��i�,.�.ia .�� ._,
<br />Sprinklers
<br />For ceilings wilhoul rigid braciny, sprinkler head penelralions shall have � 2 inch
<br />oversize ring, sleeve or adapler �hrough ihe ceiliny tile to allow free movement ol at
<br />least 1 inch in all horizonial dimctions. Flexible head design that can accommodate
<br />1 inch Iree movement shall be permiUed as an alternale. s:��:;�r= rsce :�o°, ��': ��.z z^
<br />h�'_tl' Sd
<br />ligure 56 • Counlcrsloping
<br />hgure 6a
<br />�� Ve�ti<il�an8crwirarflachmenl
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<br />SplaycE stlsmic hracin9 wirc att. chmenl
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