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lrgure.^. <br />Wteral lorce Bracing <br />Lateral Force Bracing �rn����s z �„d 3� <br />• Ceilings consiructed ot lath and plaster o� gypswn board, screw or nail aF <br />tached lo suspended members thal support a ceiling on one level extending <br />- " to wall shall be exempt from the lateral force bracing requirements. <br />AIl�CI1C0 WBII moloing neyurtemmna <br />�rgum � - <br />Unallached Wall Molding i'.e�uirements <br />.r.��ncs::�� <br />�ce bracing is the use ol verticxl struts (compression postsJ and <br />�s (see ligure 2). <br />7 areas exceeding 1,000 square teet, horizontal rest�ainl ot the ceil- <br />strucWral system (la�eral force bracing) shall be provided.��.����; �� <br />,mcu. ni ' 3.f� G.i.a c <br />❑ee Bracing shall be 12 fee' on center (maximum) and begin no <br />m 6 feet from walls. s-����<.,, cis,n s��-.�.-�:o��� 3-a <br />play wires are to be four 12 gage wi�es attached to ihe main beam. <br />arrayed 90° irom each mher and at an angle not exceeding 45° Irom <br />oftheceiling y_��-�-cisc.�s-��:��,:����•,�.� <br />�play wi�es shall be attached to the grid and lo the strucWre in such <br />thal they can support a design load ol not less than 200 pounds or <br />I desian load, with a safety laclor o1 2, whichever is greater (ligure <br />., qscn,�,�,.,., �.n <br />driven shol-in-anchors" (PAF's), when used tor seismic appliwtion <br />' the prescriptive pa�h in Seismic Design Categories D, E and F, shall <br />CGES appmval lor seismic applications and shall require "special <br />n" i�respeclive ol lhe type of occupancy cale9ory the strucWre is in. <br />iors for kicker wires (splayed wires inslalled tor purposes other than <br />estralnt) are ezempt from �his requiremen�. �:.��.��.�. �i,�•. �� a.�,;;,,. 5���i,��,� <br />es are to be within 2 inches ol the connedion of lhe vertical strut to <br />:d ceiling. Eo rcc: uEca 5^�v=ic;u,es:i-� <br />cing may be used in lieu of sptay wirea e����� •� ,:s:,e �^c;���� �_.� uz;� �. <br />Nilh plenums less ihan 12 inches to structure a�e not required to <br />ral lorce bracing. s�,�„�„� i��,�;i.����i u�,�u���� c�.�..,��"„��-: <br />7ruls must be posilively atlached to ihe =uspension syslems and the <br />d�OVe. c�,i��u. 2JSC:.3-t <br />cal s�rut may be EMT conduit, metal studs or a prop�ietary compres- <br />�, (see ligure 3). <br />Cilfl j51�i�ures aa and Ab) <br />dings (perime�er closure angles) are required lo have a horizontal <br />inches wide. One end of the ceiling yrid shall 6e attached to the wall <br />ni�� <br />.��� �y, ihe other end shall have a". inch clearance Irom the wall .�nd Iree to <br />S�IdO. Sourc^� �SCE i-05 s^chon �05!,_ 2 b <br />• Where substantiating documentation has been provided to lhe local jurisdic- <br />tion, perimeter clips may be used lo satisly the requiremenis for �he 2•inch <br />anglc.s�.,..,�,.s�:,i��,ac����„�, c.,i,m���a�n��.�o��.-.�;,� <br />• The grid shall be attached at two adjacent walls (pop rivets or approved meth- <br />od�. Sottits extending �o a point at leasl level wi�h the botiom plane of the giid <br />and independently supported and lalerally braced to the strucWre above are <br />, dcemed to he equivalent to walls. s.-,,.;•.. s,�; �. ���-�, .',.�^ �;�.: �,,°�°: ��.��`. _'-".^ <br />Spreader (spacer) bars shall be used to prevenl the ends of the main beams <br />and cross tees at perimeler walls Irom spreading open during a seismic event. <br />Perimetcr wires shall not be in licu ot spre�der bars. sn„�,-- �.:i�cn s; �-��, -;�--�- <br />;_i <br />• Sprcader bars are nol required al perimelers where runners are aflached <br />directly to closure angles. <br />• Wire tying is an acceptable alternative lo spreader bars. <br />• Spreader bars are not required it a 90 degree intersecting cross or main is <br />,. within B inches of the perimeter wall. <br />• Where substantiating documentation has 6een provided to the local jurisdiction, <br />perimeter clips may be used to satisty Il�e requirements for spreader bars. - <br />.�,, i, c. ctate nt lle,�en. L'..�I.�ina::odrsUimsi;n <br />:CP1N44251 WALL 6 GEILING HIIHiRU • SUS'LNV09 Sv5iCU5 �OP ACOUSiICr, l/��-14 GEILINGS <br />