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� WATEK G�OMPANY. <br />���! �`� - <br />� �� :-� �- - � ..�.. -. <br />j�- I��" "' ��l CIRCULAR <br />.. � , <br />ti�ci_, — " r„ <br />P�:UMBERS AND PIPE FITTERS <br />In nd�IlUmi to �hr rales and I'eti��la'.lons ot lhr CnmP���D' �'rspor�ln� wnler <br />supply. lhc follu��lug in�tniclbnn nri� publish���l tnr thc infm�mnl(un ni�•1 <br />�uidnnce ot pinmoere. PIP�`fittere nnd sll P�'reun� �•ouc���rned' <br />On lh�• bnr�k nf Ude xLert n sln�rm�n�. nf thi� ��'m' c danr ���d �Ixtun•s P��t <br />im m�Fl be mnde Ly t0e Plunil�er nnJ rr�urn�d In 1ha ���Ire o( lhe Cmn- <br />p;mp. <br />In nll riw�re n"eloP nnd w�nslr" mu�t ho Pul In. and vn Idn�•ml �hat Il i! <br />r•:�s{ly :���'�ss{Irle to Lhr conenmrr. and In S���d� n P�rsillon Ilml It x'lII drnin nll <br />�hc PIPrs. If Plnved ou�xida thr I�aIIJinR {t mnet bc boc�'d, so �hat It rm� lu• <br />raslly �•�neLed, nnd no thnt IL rnn Ire P�'��lrrlad from �ra9L .111 DIP�', insido <br />nnd nutcl�lf. nNst Lr Inld trer h'�m trnP4 °.�� �lml ihry ��'ill drnin ��'hrn Ih�• <br />11'OFIC IY OIIPII. <br />pIP�N in lhr grmmd nwet Im Inlil nM. lcse Umn IuenU`(�����' in�h�•a holow <br />Ih�• xarfn���•. <br />,\tl PiU�'v mnsl 6c run xn ��� tn avoid e�nUP�F�•5 •�n�l ail trnPv »>��sl bc <br />o'rll sPrllrcd. <br />Ro lmehing musl I�e ucrd �n rnnnre� �eilh lho xtoU�eock nl thr elJrwnllcl <br />IIIII�IICS OI' 1'�`Illlfl➢f: ti0."NPIN m�S bu uard II �ICfO5H�1'S. <br />y�'p I1�P� �illl Yllp �R�bPnpll IiIP COIT�IflII}' N 901'\'ICM1C�fI: RIIII ID8111. RII�� <br />In anae n��'nt�r mrtrr (,'c�. nn Pipr mnRl hr rmmrrtod outsid� Ihc mrtrr.lml <br />PInmL�,re mny Uvn on �aNrr �ar �he Pw�Pose of teetlnF tL�ir PIPru. <br />Ihep mur,t Iraci� It r.hnt oR at. �I�o Compnnr'n sercire.enrk. and in no wse <br />turn on Lhe water for wn6umtr5. <br />Thc u�n�or will not hr ha'nrd on lu auc Prr.miuov indil Ihr at�tomnnt <br />h�rrin raqulrrd ha9 bvi+n fnrnfahod tn U�� C�����P:�»)' nn�l Ih�, InPPr�'1'��� sh:�ll <br />ri�r�ip' that lh�� «'���'1: has Lw�n dnnr in arrm'dnnrr �sith itv rnles nnd I'�`���1��' <br />Iiuns. <br />A, ��. PATTERSON, <br />g�iprrinlrnd�nt I�:��rrc�l \\nl�•r (1amP�'tV�. . <br />