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January 8, 1974 <br />Occupant <br />3415 Wetmore <br />Everett, Washington 98201 <br />Dear Homeowner: <br />CITY OF <br />everett <br />CITY NM1EL . 251-OPOS <br />CVCNETT. wASHINGiON. <br />oeml <br />INSPECTION OCPANTAIENT <br />The (lousing Inspection Division of the City of Everett is currently <br />making a comprehensive survey of all residential buildings and <br />housing units within the City. The purpose of this survey is to <br />determine the quality of housing and evaluate the structure for <br />the safety and welfare of the occupants as defined in the Housing <br />Code for the City of Everett. This survey will lead directly to <br />a more healthful and safer City. <br />More information about the Housing Inspection program is contained <br />in the enclosed brochure. <br />Your address is within the area which is being surveya_d at the <br />present time. A Housing Inspector from the Inspection Division <br />Of the City of Everett is now working in your neighborhood. An <br />inspection is planned for the exterior and interior of yourpropertyat the above address. A report of his findings will L)e mailed to <br />you as soon as his inspection has been completed. <br />If you are renting the house,please forward this notice to the legal <br />owner of the property. <br />An inspector will call within the next three weeks, iff you wish to <br />make a specific appointment time or would like more information <br />please call the Housing Inspection Division at 259-8835 anytime <br />between the hours of 8:00 a.m, and 5:00 p.m. Monday tlhru Friday. <br />Respectfully yours <br />Robert K. Royce <br />Housing Supervisor <br />By <br />llousine Inspector <br />MR:eb <br />