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�� T 3 <br />ciTr oF �vE�rr <br />BU/LD//V6 D/L//5/ON <br />32Q0 CEOAR ST. EYERETT, fNi7 �IB20/ (206) 259•9B/O <br />About this fortn: This form isn't as involved as it looks, because you only use portions ot ft for a p>Aiculai <br />dwelling project. Instead of spendinp time searchfng th�ough the WSEC, this (orm will help organize an.r. <br />condense the requirements that apply to your pro(ect. It Is also an excellerrt tool for learntng the residentfa! <br />WSEC requirements. <br />Requirements are grouped by (oundation, framing, insulation, and tinal inspection phases. This not only <br />lets you know what you need to do but also when the Inspector wilt be checking for particuiar <br />requfrements. Use the form to choose compliance options ihat best suft the economics and design of your <br />projed. , <br />A designated department energy specialist can help you with your questions. This lorm wili help you <br />comply wilh the WSEC as quickly and painlessly as possible. <br />Rasponslblllty for Intormetlon: P'though statf inembers wlll help you with general questions about <br />completing this form, it is ultimately your responsibility to provide detailed information about heating <br />systems, glazing, Insulatfon, and other bui�ding speci(fcations. Be sure to get prior approval from the <br />Department it you later wish to make changes in your project. For more requirement detail, reler to the <br />Washinglon State Energy Code, 1991 Edition. <br />Page 1, Compliance Optlons: Salect one compliance option at the top ol the table. <br />Pages 2 through 6, ln the shaded box areas oniv: Provide intormation and check circles that apply to <br />your specific projecl. D�t placamarks in the two lett side columns labeled'COMPLIANCE RECUIRED" <br />and "INSPECTION APPROVED" or fn boxes localed in non-shaded areas (These are for department use). <br />Since this form will be evaluated for completeness and accuracy, you can avoid unecessary pertnit delays <br />by carefutly providing all required Information. You may disregard 'Rems that don't address your particular <br />building or equipment. <br />Compllance responsiblllty: This torm will uitimately be used for all WSEC field inspections. When it is <br />returned with your permit, relevant boxes under the "COMPLIANCE REQUIRED" column will have been <br />checked by the Building Department. This denoles which WSEC requiremonts appiy to your project. The <br />fnspector will f�:spect your dweliing against these checked items and, when deemed acceptable, place a <br />second check in the "INSPECTiON APPROVED" column. <br />All Residential Occupancies <br />OTHER heat source �cas, oil, propane, wood, heat pumps) <br />