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�� <br />Page Four <br />Field Investigation� <br />Our field investigation consieted of a trsnsit, tape and <br />etadia eurvey ot the aite, baeed en baseli~�es eetabliehed lrom <br />ertyt ornertwae assignedran elevation ofal00.OFturt�asc nrop-' <br />toure wers located and d�lineated at five faot intervals ueing <br />epot elevatione eetabliehad by the transit, and by atadia rod <br />and hand level methode. Brush wae cut where necessary. �nd <br />relevant features Nere plotted ae ehown on the attached site <br />olan ehowing teet hole locationa. <br />Twelvs test holes were dug at representative locations n�ar <br />'che proposad building eite ancl along the slope. Test holes <br />weT� logged by the geologlet according to texture� color, <br />eLructure and geneeist (See ittached eoil logai. <br />A regional invastigation Nae cotsducted to determine the m�rph- <br />ology of the adjacent slopee, inapect local cute� fille and <br />foundetione. <br />Soils and Geologyt <br />Repreaentati��:n of four eoil aeriea (U.S.D.A. claseificaLion) <br />wers identlf;�d in teet holes end expoeuree on and near the <br />eits. Soils and etratigraphy are delineated on the attached <br />generalitied geologic eection (PB.7 ). The depotitional history <br />of the hilleide ae ehown in eection ie ae follows, be�inning <br />with ths oldest (deapeet) eedimente� <br />1� ascLion astsand u►drgravelly sand�beloNdelevation 75nFtn <br />Thie unit Meathere to Everett eeri•e eoil. <br />2) Ths depoaition oi glaci�l lata silt and eilty clay ehown <br />in section as a silt lena or bed. This unit Meathere to <br />Kitsap eeriee soil. <br />3) The depoeition of proglacial or advance outwaeh, ahown in <br />FSctThieaunitnweathera$to I dianolaeaerieseeoilF�� �d 12� <br />4) The deposition of poorly sorted loamy sand and gravel out <br />waeh, ahown in section ae gravelly outMash above elevatio <br />120 Ft. This unit weathere to Everett eeriea soil. <br />5) Uplift and eroeion forms the elope. <br />6) A weathered mantle of non-atratified soile develops. <br />7) Organic soils are depoaited in a depreesion at the baee <br />of the slope, ehown ae organic soil in eection. Thia de- <br />posit weathere to Mukiltao Huct, <br />EANTf/ AMILYS/S <br />