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n>>T.i:� �rxuws or• �,rrr,lcnr���_ <br />POJi1T 1. 'Phe fo].lo�•riny ar.e Lhe cpecial ciret:mst, nce:, which apply <br />tomy pr.operi:}• � deprivc mc of righi:� and pr,vilegcs whi.cii are. <br />enjoyed by�other ;�ropertie� in the vicinity under the idenLical. <br />zune classif:ication. ' <br />ilridlc Park restrictive covenants sCL Corth a l�eiglit li�nit itlon oE buildin�s at 35 [eet.� <br />ther iouses m t e is rtc �avic een a owe over• ���iTa�Cno �cen a v�seaTiy <br />an Everett Gity official that llic l�cicht restriction was 30 [eet, I would liave not bougltt <br />Ll�c lot. . • <br />POIt:T 2. The variance I am regucsting ti•:i.l]. noi: be detrimental. i:o <br />ihe publi.c weJ.fare or. S.njuriou:; '�o L•l:e properties or irnpro��emcrits <br />in the vicinity of � zone 9.n ia}: ,'i my propert�� is located Uecause: <br />The building site is situated on the low sidc ot the street at a lower elevation from <br />property,, wP�ich in tie unlike y event t a a view ecomes avai a e, �e st e mio i� . <br />be in a line of siaht between ihe adjoinin4 property and the possiblc view. Bridle Park <br />restrictive covenants prohiUit Curtiher sub-division oC its lots wliicli here are in ::xcess o{ . <br />�4 acre. thgre�orc Lhc pr000sed increase in hcight will not. interfere with thc li�ht and <br />air to adjoining property. • , • <br />PO::�T 3. If thi.s variance is not granCed, an unnecessary har.dship <br />a�_11 continue to ihe o�mer of this property, the cause oi i:hich is <br />beyond his cwiirol because: <br />Before completine purchasc of Lhe Lol 1Z T consulted the City u[ �verett plan checker <br />who advised me that Everett imposed a heia,lit restriction of 30 [eet. On t.he Uasis of <br />}�' ' f ti�n_ _tly hn des�nnrd thc� i��,,r�d�d �nd the Cootinn dug. Damages <br />would be in excess oE $3, 000. 00 <br />POI1:T 9. So as not t-o grant a specia]. privilegc to me by ihe 9rani:ing <br />of thi^ variance I suUmit the f��llo�•ring conditions L-o ��e imposed so <br />as not,�o canse inconsistencies wiCh the limiCations upon otlier <br />proper.t•ies in L-hc vicinit�� and zone in �ahich T am located. <br />Vlaxim�un height of the building to be set undcr 28 Ceet, _ �_,_ <br />