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July 16, 1999 <br />I�UBL/C `YOR/ffS <br />Phinney Construction <br />PO Box 976 <br />Everett, WA 98206 <br />We wish to express our appreciation for helping to Uuild and improve the City of Everett. <br />A building pernut (62820) has been issued in your name approving the construction of <br />your building on: <br />Lot 1, City of Everett Short Plat #1202-1-99 <br />In accordance with the City Code, your building hes been assigned the following address: <br />210 49TH ST SW <br />Everett, Waslungton 98203 <br />To ensure emergency access to your house 3 inch x 1-1/2 inch numerals or lazger, should <br />be posted either above or at the side of the main building entrance facing the 49TH ST <br />S W right-of-way. Please advise all ut:lity companies, the Everett Post office, and other <br />interested parties of the above address. A list of local ag �ncies and companies is enclosed <br />for your information and convenience. Please contact our office with any questions. <br />Sincen:ly, <br />���� <br />Paul McKee <br />Public Services Divison <br />cc: Postmaster, Everett, WA Auditor's Office <br />Everett Fire Department (2) Everett Police Department <br />Building Inspzction Department Public Works Records <br />Addrcss Type; Single Femlly CheMo: SE 3b29�4 <br />CIT'1' OF EVERETT - 3200 Cedar Street - Everett, WA 98201 -(425) 257-8810 - Fax (425) 257-8857 <br />