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April 7, 196o <br />Mrs. Aenry A. Hallgren <br />530A Sunset Lane <br />: )tt, ,4a.;hingtcn <br />Dear IRss. Hallgren: <br />This is to inforn yo-: that your application to construct driveways <br />as ahoim on enclosed sketches has been approved. All work must conform <br />to sketches. <br />A copy of our rules and regulations governing work on City streets is <br />enclosed. <br />Please notify us when you start this work, as we must inspect thework <br />be+bre anv concrete is poured. <br />This permit is valid for a period of 60 daysp if the work has not been <br />done at the end -of that -time, it will be necosoary for yo-a to obtain <br />a n,w permit. <br />�i rely <br />l� L� <br />RVC/a Rodney V. Col <br />Enc. City "liginser ���111 <br />