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Uctober 14, 2005 <br />'NG/NEERlNG / PUBLIC SERV/CES DEPARTMENT <br />BLUG RIDGS CONSTRUCTION INC <br />PO IIOX 302 <br />DUVALL, WA 98019 <br />We wish to express our apprcciation W you for helping to build and improve the City of EveretL A perm:t <br />(CO510-001) has becn issued in your name approving the construction of your building on: <br />GLLNWOOD CItEST, LGT G <br />In accordance with the City Code, your project has been assigned the following address: <br />825 SGTH PL SW <br />LVGR1iTT, WA 9h �03 <br />To ensure emcrgency access to your building, numbe�s confortning to the following table should be posted <br />eiU�et above or at the side of the main building entrance facing the 56TH PL SW right-of-way. <br />ADDIt�SS NUME3ERING FIGURE SiZE T'ABLG <br />Di�tance Gom Road or Fire Lane Miuimum �ipure Size <br />0— 50 Feet 4" H x LS" W <br />51—IOOFcct G"iix 3"�V <br />l01 — 150 �cet 8" H x 4" P! <br />15l — 200 Fcet 10" H x 5" W <br />20! Fect and up 12" H x G" W <br />Three-inch (3") figures are pemutted tor sing!o-family occupancies only. <br />The minimum figure size for multi-family and commercial occupancies is six inches (G'). <br />The height-to-width ratio of the figures shall be approximately 2H:1 W. <br />Plcase advise all utility companies, the Gverett i'ost Office a�d other interested parties of the above address. <br />A list of local agencies and companics is enclosed for your in£ormation and convenience. Please contact our <br />office with any questions. <br />Sinccrely, <br />PuUlic Scrvices Division <br />cc: Postmastcr, Everett, WA; Auditor's Officc; Gvcrett Firc Departmen;; Everett Police D�partmenh, <br />Margaret McLeod, IIuilding Inspection; A.I,S. Howard Stoneback, Post Offia., '.:�opac Emerg.Svcs. <br />Lnclosurc <br />Chart No. NW01284 Address Type: SPR <br />CITY OF EVEREfI' • 3200 Cedar Street • Everett, WA 98201 •(425) 257-8800 • Fax (425) 257-8856 <br />