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March 16, 1993 <br />To: Everett Planninq Depar,tment <br />Re: Proposed Use chanqe for property located at 3301 Ho�rt Ave. <br />Existinq Use: (Current Owners: Steve and Jeannine Novy) <br />The existing use of the above referenced proper:.y is that oP <br />single family residence with a detached garaqe and maintenance <br />shap oEf the all�y. <br />Proposed. Use: (Contract Purchasers: Ray and Pat k3ortoa) <br />1. To remodel the existin,q residence to accommodate affice <br />use on the main flaur. <br />2. To convert tha existinq upstairs floor of the residence <br />to a one-bedroom apartment. <br />3. To provide laundry and storage facil�ties in the <br />existing basement for rental units. <br />4. To demolish the existinq qarase/shop and replace with <br />two one-bedroam apartments over a par.king area off the <br />alley. <br />The intent of the l�roposed plan is to enhance the neighborhood by <br />improvinq the exterior and interior of the existinq residence, <br />the landscapinq, and the old alley. Directly opposite the <br />� property to the north across 33rd St. is a larqe den�tal clinic. <br />To the northeast is another dental clinic at 33rd and Colby; the <br />property directly to the east is vacant but zoned for clinic and <br />oPfice use. The properties to the west and south are single and <br />multi-family residences. <br />The office will be occu�ied by Associated Financial Consultants � <br />owned by Ray and Pat Morton, a financial planning and investment <br />firm now located in the Wetmore Buil�iinq at 2731 Wetmore Ave., <br />� Ste 203, Everett WA 98201. The Eirst floor office space will <br />provide working space for four people. Since 95$ of our business <br />is conducted over the telephone and fax lines, the average daily <br />' visits by clients is approximately two per day. <br />The overall tone of the design of the proposed plan will be <br />to keep and anhance the ariginal design of the house and to <br />de�ign the additional apartment/parking structure to blend in <br />with reqard to roof pitch and window style. The colnrs and <br />office desigr_ will be subdued to reflect the professional <br />charac er of our investment firm. Seven of the parking spaces <br />will b, directly off the alley with attractive screening and <br />landscaping. Two of the parking spaces will be on the north side <br />of the remodeled residence accessed by movir.g the existing <br />driveway to the west. <br />The proposed office/apartment complex would provide an attractive <br />transition property for the existing neighborhood while providing <br />additional top quality rental units near the downtown core. <br />