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CI`PY OF i3V;i.RL,:7� <br />Un'1'P. �,�,.; ,- �� - . Correction Shcet �L�lan Checl: No. -,-. -,, <br />O'rA1CY. qc- - ,;.;�- ' �-- USC A? �.�= \� _ <br />Coi�cr.�ctor -,�..,._=, Usc 'Goninq --- <br />A�:chitect , - - ,___� Fire l�ne - <br />Job Szte Lddre: sl;�,,,_ -�� '_ Occup�zncy Group H <br />Type oL Cor.sLrucLion Occupant Lo�d <br />Your pluns and specifications, ha�>e becn cr.�mined, �vid ycu ar.e auvised <br />that the i.sauance of a permit i� withheld for a.:hc �'ca,one her.cinafter <br />set forth. NOTE CT.liLPULLY: Ans�•�er yuestions and mal:e e::planai:ions IIY <br />COItRECiI:;G ORIGIIdAL PTANS, and new plans submitted to the Depar.tmenL eL <br />IIui.lding and Inspecti.On. (TIIIS S)I�ET i4UST BP•,.,RL•"1'URP7P•.D i4ITII 012IGINAL� <br />1�T.TNR �,tm CPrCTT`TCA'i`i'nN5 OR T[IIsY l9ILli IIP I'ILL•'D AS 1�liY1 IIUSTNI:SS. ) <br />