Laserfiche WebLink
.. �,Ur.i 7� ..,,.,,. <br />.:�:c , ,.,: �.i:ac-t...._:. � . _:oore �_, <br />� ,,d.iey 'J . i:olvin <br />.;, il. :t:cUor.�ld <br />' �.�fit��t <br />.:,a:�: . - . <br />GI�.;.`;Lk.^L ic:� t -�i:�_:_ <'-;� <br />.z',Ai�k :'ePYL1C:1 I'i�.:iv i; i, �'+:.�t:. i :' <br />i„�5, 2866 Ai':ll 2s63 .'1i.0 :�LL SUis5E4dUEN'I' <br />1��fould refuse to approve permfe�ir 1let a1Ted s�cale plans ehowing al�pecitic <br />�onduite until such time as prop Y P P <br />lucation and relationship to othcr atilltles kas been reviewod b� u$• <br />.', drawtng showing propoaed loca!!on with respect to edge ot pavement is not <br />a.equate and in most caees would not reeult in a uni[orm altgoment. The <br />,:d};es ot pavem.ent changee with imProvements; street center linea do aot. <br />�3n undPrground location shou►d be selected that is uniPorm in aligar�ent and <br />compatible with ather uLiliCieia. F'ield lucation shall be controlied by aurvey <br />rnethode ra4her than sonventence in the same manner that the locatioa oL <br />muoicipal uttlities ia eatablished. <br />',�'e do not have tlme �1' g+�� `���'�er available to check the submitted incom- <br />plete plans wlth indetinite pi'���'ged locationn againet our water facilities. <br />PherePore, the burJen is on 'she apPlicant to submit a locatioa plan b� i enttun <br />s tiiarough resea.rch and showin� existing utilitiea LP he expects the app <br />For -:armlt to bc �ru�:c s;i�u `.ti a�_ c:cpe�li?ioue, rc,annes. <br />