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'L/�L /C �f/O/��GS <br />September 27, 2013 <br />KKG DEVELOPMENTLLC <br />9420 315T AVE SE <br />EVEREfT, N/A 98208 <br />RE: New Building 4ddress Assignment in the Cily or Everett <br />ACTION: Owner to post address until permanently installed. Add address to permanent records. <br />N!e wish to �xpress our appreciation to you for helping to build and improve the City of Everett. <br />Permit (C1309-003) has been issued approving the construction of the building on the following <br />described parcel: THO�IPSON SUBDIVISION, parcel number: 28053000401200. In accordance with <br />Evere�t Municipal Code chapter 13.44, the building has been assigned the following primary address: <br />12610 18TH DR SE <br />El/ERE77; bV.4 98208-6576 <br />Numbers conforming to the followin� table should be posted facing 18TH DR SE: <br />ADORESS NUh1BERING FIGURE SIZE TABLE, pe� EN/C 16.03A30 (FJ <br />Orstance f�om Road or Fi�e Lane �tifinimum Fiqure Si.ze <br />0- 50 feet r4"H x 1.5" W, r"z "stroke ivioth <br />51 - 100 (eet 6"h' x 3" bY, 3e "stroke width <br />101 - I50 feet 8"�! x 4" W, ?1 "stroke �vidth <br />I51 - Z00 feef 10 "' F/ x 5" W, 3i.; "sfroke t-vidfh <br />Z01 feet and up 11 "N x 6" !N, ?.�, "sfroke �vidth <br />�Minimum figu�e size for the primary add�ess of multi-family o� commercial buildings is six inches (6'J. <br />Height-to-wr'cth iatio of figures shall 6e approximately 1N: 1 W, contrasting in ce%r �vith theii hackground <br />(black or �vhife on glaringJ. /f assign?d addresses cannot be we�ved from a pubbc avay, address nu,nbe�s <br />should a�so be pested af the road entrance on a po% sign, or other means. W,Sere the building is not <br />visible From Ihe street or a single access road/p�ivate roadway seives more than one building, provision <br />shall be made to dearly identify whrch driveway o� road�vay serves fhe approp�iate address. Oimer to <br />post numbe�s or letters (o� [enant suite and a artment doors on bofh the inte�ior and exterior of U» <br />buildina, or �vheie required by the frre Oepanment, wifh a minimum figure size at /east 9 inches lrrgh. <br />Contvd the Fire Department to finalize adclressing requi�ements for building and tenants: 9.75-157-612U. <br />Please advise all utilit�� companies, the Everett Post Office and other interested parties of lne new <br />address assignment to obtain postal delivery and other services. <br />Sincerely, <br />Paul McKee, Permit Services Manager, Everett Public Wcrks <br />cc: Everett Postmaster; Everett Carrier Annex; USPS Address Management System; Snohomish <br />County E911 Offce; SNOPAC 911; Snohomish County Auditor and Assessor Office; Snohomish <br />County PUD; Everett Police, Fire, Planning, Utility Services, Utility Records, Traffic, Permit <br />Services Manager, Building Inspection, and Address Coordinator <br />Chart No.: SE30285 Address Type: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING <br />CITY OF EVERETT • 3200 Cedar Street • Everett, WA 98201 •(425) 257-8800 • Fax (425) 257•8882 <br />