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. <br />._�. - <br />t a.,• :.. .; •., <br />::;,;._".`,.` . � `� ;`�: <br />;. .: <br />. <br />TERRA ASSOCIATES, In�c. <br />Conwltanb in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology <br />and ' <br />EnvlronmenGl Earth Sclerces <br />Mr. Dava P[gott <br />SunmackHomes <br />2210 Hewitt Avemte, 5uite 2I0 <br />Everet4Washingwn 9820f <br />. ' . . SubjeeC ,." Geotec6alcai 5tudy <br />. ' PcUosalDsweoaShatPlet <br />. �[03td'Plaee SE a�d 7th. Avenue SE <br />,' ' _�ry. � `- �: Evaett.VY�ahin400rt . <br />'�q�i'•C,'�,+�•4=^�'I.��t•''—�.��'�,•��.. .. : ' <br />September 30,1996 <br />Pmject No. T-3267-I <br />'��.-�:{i.'Yy�'-_..;y'. l"n.'i<:� ' '�.} . - " <br />�� r�"„1 �Ul[ E •:' �. ;�.....' . <br />+ •:� �, �}�.. p_ r? � ;.• .. : . ' � . . � . . . . , <br />4 .:� '=�-3L-4 �f��. �iti,%:,��j_ ' . _: '.. . ::. . . . <br />� � �T t-1l5T_'r'�%SM,�J+�i.:.r'3r' `�.� ,.� ...,. . <br />�'.�.5 ur,ned;,v�bava perfoim�ed a ge�otectmical study for Lots 1, 2, and 5 on the Petose/Uawson <br />:;,L ' �'�,` : i�.. . . �,,:. ; . .._ _. . <br />_Y �,. - 56n=tPfnt Li:�4eeet� Washiu�t The projecc location is ehown oQ tha V'�cinity Map, Fa•r[e 1. Our <br />z��. impeaf�eonsC+oedofsiibna6cer�plo�ationtadeoermiaed�rdepthofuneortroUedfiUsads4ng <br />... ec the'bwldiog eites,. (a6ontory testim8. engi�ser.dnB e�iysls for devdopmant of lbunda�on <br />_ .'Reomnemd"etion+.mdPRPs'a�oaofduruport <br />� . � �TE NYD SOIL CONDITIONS . - <br />� SlI�lS4 . .. <br />At the Cme oFaur study, the thcer lots tud been percielly eleaced ena Btaded between 103cd Plece SE <br />eud the backoft�e propoaed bullding Gwtprinb. Lot l wws geneisUy fl;t and opea except for a pi'le of <br />cke�edvegemdon at the iwcth md. The westem halfofLat 2 wat anded et the sem� elevadon aa Loc <br />L in du noAhees[ comec the Qmund �u�ee waa �bout hvo feet lower wid► ginded �wter et the <br />�!'3ee. A.l�ge pile ofdebd.s. including an e6andoned rar aud ucap. c.utal. a�auPied the wdt aide oF <br />j Lot S md a gnvd dRvewag aa�upied t6e mataide: � <br />. . ... _ � . <br />- . 12525 Willows Road, Suite 101, Kirklan�, Washingro� g8034 • Phane (206) 821-7777 <br />