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<br />January 30, 2015
<br />17.0 SVJ EVEREri MALI. �NAY, SUI I E 140
<br />EVEREiT, WA 98209
<br />fi�: New Building Address Assignment In the City of f_verelt
<br />ACT:ONS: O�n�ner to post address until permanently Installed. /1dd rddress to permanent re,:ords.
<br />\4'c wlsh to express our appredaliun to you for'�clpinq to bulld and Improve the City o( Evere'.l.
<br />Permi! (C1501-013) h<l5 �L'l'11 ISSUC(I AUj)I'O\'in9 ehe cunsUuction of the bulidlny on Ihe follo�a�ing
<br />described parceL• I.OT 56 CASCAUE P�RK SUE313•001, parcet number 28D5180030220U. i�
<br />accordance �vith Everelt i�7unlcipal Code chapler 13A4, the huiiding has been assigned the f�llowlpg
<br />primarv addre_s;
<br />37.7. 9�l'" PL SE
<br />EVEIlETI; l�UA Jy'1.08-1938
<br />idumi�crs mn(rnminr fo the fo4o�ving table :>hould be postecj facirg 44"' I'I SL:
<br />nonkrssn�u,aerR�h�r, rtcuRes��r. r>w[[; �,c, errc �c o3.n.�n ���
<br />Ol.cfd�ur IrofILL1VaQ o�lJie l�rc� �dmum P/luic SIIc
<br />0 .SD /eet �9"N x I.5" !N, !�i "slroke tv/dt/�
<br />Sl 100 /ee! 6"H.r3" li; '4 "::trnke �v/dth
<br />101 I50 feet 6"N.r •J" It; �7i "sboke w/dfh
<br />1,s1-100%et 10"HxS'lt; ;b"srrnke�vlAth
<br />?DlfeefanAup IZ"llsG"1V, JJ��S�(U.fCiv/dUr
<br />�n�i��rnr��,n i;�r��e s�ze ro� rn�� p:imary adirecs olmu/tl-f�mlly nr cr.; n; uen-ial btdldlnqs l.s .s.�x mches (G')•
<br />Hel�hPfo•�v/dfh ratio of //ntu�°s s/r.�!/ hc app�ax/matc/y 1N.� IIN, c c�rtbdsUng /ir cir/pr �vil/i lhc6 batkqroun��
<br />(��.7ck or irhke on n/3zln�). 1( rrssiqned ndJie :sses c,vv�o! Le rie«e;i hum a puGLc �:-,iy; oAAiess mm�La��s
<br />sl�ouhi✓lso br posted at fhr ivaJ cnbancc nn �� pc;�c, a s/r,n, t�� r�i�,uiy f,�rnlil�� itihldi dii���•iva�• nr road,:�3}
<br />s��rn�rs !he pristrd address. Oivnrr h� p:isl numBrvs or /eltcis (a h�nanl su[tc_,��ds�Ndltr�i4�itslqois ��G¢((1
<br />�gr1[IfEiipr �ind rat��lor nl flie bu//d/ng, �vlfh u nnn/mum ligure she �i! /eas! •J /nrAes hlgh. V/rase ra�lact
<br />the Eve�ctt f�re Ocy�aitment fo On,�l�ze nddrecs pnsbi�g rrq�dir,vienfs.• 925 J.;7-R110.
<br />Plcase advise all utllity companies, thc L"verelt Post O(ficc and oth�r Interosled pdrties of the nuw
<br />address assl9nmenl to oblaln postal dc!iveiy and olhcr ;;civlics.
<br />Sincercly,
<br />Paal MtKee, Peim't S��ivicc�s hlanager, �verett Pubiic Nlorks
<br />cc: USPS Fosfrnasfcr, C��n/ci Annc�; Addmss P;un,�ycrnrnf .�•sfc;n; Snnhomish Cirunty f9-1-1 �ddicssing
<br />C'onrdG�vtor, GIs; Snnhonnsh C'ounl7� Assessor's O/lice ilddress/ng Superv/sur, GlS, Parcel AAdrecs LevA,
<br />P,ucel O�vner Address Lead; Snohom/sh Counfy �udifa's 017ce Electlons AdAressing Supervlso, GLS;
<br />SNpPAC 911; Snohorn/sh Cnunty PUl�; Puget Sound [nerg�;� C!(y of Eveielf Police, l7re hlarsha/:s 0/�ie;
<br />P/annln9, Ulllif}� Billing Malla.9er �1nd Sfa/f, Ufllity RecaAs, G/S UUOty Mapphr9, Pu6/ic lvorFs h;&O, PoDIIc
<br />142rks TSG, Rv/1/c L nnlnccr and SGv/, Pe�m/t Sernlres Manager and Stalf
<br />Cl�art Nn.: S,YIR785 �ddiess 7}�+e: SF�
<br />CITY OF F.VERETT • 3200 Ceder Slrael •[verotl, W� �J0201 •(;25) 257-800� • Fax (4?5) 257-088?
<br />