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��iy z, zoia <br />��ecic w��zrs <br />SEATTLE PACIFIC HOMES <br />120 SW EVERETT MALL WAY <br />EVERETT, WA 98204 <br />RE: New Building Address Assignment in the City of Everett <br />ACTION: Owner to post address until permanently installed. Add address to permanent records. <br />We wish to express our appreciatlon to you for helping to duild and improve the City of Everett, <br />Permit (C1406-016) has been issued approving the construction of the building on the following <br />described parcel: CASCADE PARK SU813-001, parcel number 28051800302200. In accordance with <br />Everett Municipal Code chapter 13.44, the building has been assigned the followina orimarv address: <br />412 94TH PL SE UNIT 51 <br />EVERE7T, WA 98208-19.?8 <br />Numbers conforming to the followi��g Cable show,l be posted facing 94TH PL SE: <br />ADORE55 NUMBERING' FIGURE SIZE /iiBLE, pe� EMC ]6.03.030 (F) <br />Distanc� from Road or fire Lane Minimam Fiour^ Size <br />0- 50 feet '4"N x I.S" W, !�i "st�oke width <br />51 -100 (eet 6"H x 3" W, �3+ "stroke widlh <br />101 - I SO feef 8"H x 4" W, �Y "slroke ividth <br />151 -100 feet 10"H x 5"W, ?a "stroke �vidlh <br />Z01 feet and up 12"H x 6" W, 3/a "stroke widtl� <br />•Minimum figure size for the primary address of muln�-family o� mmme�cial buildings is six inches (6'�. <br />Heighl-to-widfh rafio of figures sha!/ be approximate/y 1H.• 1 W, mntrasting in co/or with their background <br />(black or white vn glazingJ. !f assigned addmsses cvnnot be viewed from a publrc way, address numbers <br />shou/d a/so be posled af the road enfrdnce on a po% sign, or other means. Where �he bui/ding is not <br />visible from the street o� a single aaess road/pnvate roadivay serves more than one building, provision <br />sha// be made to c%ar/y idenlify which dnveway or �oadway serves the appropnafe addmss. Owner to <br />pnsf numbers or letteis for tenant suife and aoartment doors on Gofh !he interio� and exte�ior of the <br />building, or wherc mquimd by the fi�e Department, �vi:h a minimum �gure size at least 9 inclres high. <br />Contad the Fire Department to hnalize addressing requirements for buildrng and tenantr: 475-157-8110. <br />Please advise ail utiliry companies, the Everett Post Office and other interested parties of the new <br />address assignment to obtain postal delivery and other services. <br />Sincerely, <br />Paul McKee, Permit Services Manager, Everett Public Works <br />cc: Everelt Postmaster; Everett Carrier Annex; USPS Address Management System; Snohomish <br />County E911 Office; SNOPAC 911; Snohomish County Auditor and llssessor Office; Snohomish <br />County PUD; Everett Police, Fire, Planning, Utility Services, Utility Records, Traffic, Permit <br />Services Manager, Building Inspection, and Address Coordinator <br />Chart No.: sw18285 Address Type: SFR <br />CI7Y OF EVERETT • 3200 Cedar Street • Everett, WA 98201 •(425) 257-8800 • Fax (425) 257-8882 <br />