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]uly 7, 2014 <br />Pu,�cic wor��rs <br />SEq1itE PACIFIC HOMES <br />120 SW EVERETT MALL WAY <br />EVERETf, WA 98204 <br />RE: New Building Address Assignment in the City of Everett <br />ACTION: Owner to post address until permanently installed. Add address to permanent records. <br />We wish to express our appreciation `o you for helping to build and improve the City of Everett. <br />Permit (C1406-012) has been issued approving the construction of the building on the following <br />described parcel: CASCADE PARK SU613-001, parcel number 28051800302200. In accordance with <br />Everett Municipal Code chapter�l6 94�TH PL SE IUNiT 50 een assiqned the ollowin rima address: <br />EVERETT, WA 98108-19.38 <br />Numbers conforming to the following table should be posted facing 5TH DR SE: <br />ADDRE55 NUh1BERlNG FIGURE SIZE rABLf, per EPfC I6.03.030 (F) <br />Minimum Fiaure 5lze <br />D_islance from Road or Fim LaiL =q �� H x I.5" W, �z "slroke width <br />0-SOfeet <br />51 -100 feet 6"H x 3" W, Sa "StrokB width <br />101 -150 Teet <br />8"H x 4" W, ?6 "StrOke �s'idCh <br />I51 - 700 feef <br />!0"H x 5" W, 85 "stroke wid[h <br />101 feet and up 12"n x 6" tN, d+ "shoke ivitlth <br />*Pfinimum �gure si�e (or the primary aAdress of multi-/amity o� commercial buildings is six inches (6'). <br />Heighf-to-ividth �atio of Fgures shall be approximafely 1H.� IW, �ron[resting in co%r �vith thei� bac�fgro�un> <br />(black or white on _ 3zingJ. I(assigned addmsses cannot be vie�ved from a public way, address numbrn <br />should vlso be postcd af the mad entrvnce on a po% sign, o� ofher mevns. 4Vhcre the Guilding is no� <br />visible /rom fhe sfrcet or a single aaess road/privafe raaditi�ay scrves more than one buil�rng, provivon <br />shall be made to c%arly identify ivhrch driveway or roadway serves the vppropnate address. O�rner to <br />post numbers or /eNcrs /o� lenant suitc and vpa�ent.dg�rs on both the inlerior and e.r�e_ngr of the <br />builAing, or whem required by lhe fire Ocpartment, wilh a n�inimum figure size at leasf 9 inches high. <br />Contad the Fire Department to finalize addressing requiremenls for building and fenants: 9Z5-157�8I20. <br />Please advise all utility companie5, the Everett Post Office and other interested parties of the new <br />address assignment to obtain postal delivery and other servicos. <br />Sincerely, <br />Paul McKee, Permit Services Manager, Everett Public Works <br />cc: Everett Postmaster; Everett Carrier Annex; USPS Address Management System; Snohomish <br />County E911 Office; SNOPAC 911; Snohomish County Auditor and Assessor OFfice; Snohomish <br />County PUD; Everett Police, Fire, Planning, UUlity Services, Utility Records, Tra(fic, Permit <br />Services Manager, B�Chart No p W18285d AddresAadretls Type: SFR <br />CITY OF EVERETf • 3200 Cedar Streel • Everett, WA 98201 •{425) 257-880U • Fax (425) 257-8882 <br />