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'UBL/C f�//OR/C,� <br />]une 27, 2J14 <br />DYNASTY HOLDINGS LLC <br />P Q BOX 716 <br />EVEREZT, WA 58201 <br />RE: Ncw Building Address Assig�ment in the City of Everett <br />A('TION: Owner to post address until permanently installed. Add address to permanent records. <br />We wish to express our appreciation to you for helping to build and improve the City of Everett. <br />Permit (C1405-004) has been issue� approving the construction of the building on the following <br />described parcel: INTERCITY DN ! BLK 007 Q•CO - LOT 21, parcel number OOA80200702100. In <br />accordance with Everett Municipal Code chapter 13.44, the building has been assiqned the followina <br />primary address: 110 99TH PL SW <br />EVERETI', WP. 987�4 <br />Number� conformin9 to the following table should be posted facing 99TH PL SW: <br />ADDRESS NUMBERING FIGURE 5/ZE TABLE, pe� EMC IC.03.030 (FJ <br />Distance fiom Road or_ Fire L ar�� Afini�um figure Size <br />0- SO faet '9"N x 1.5" W, %s "stroke width <br />51 -!00 leet 6"H x 3"W, 35 "stroke �vidlh <br />10! - ISO /eel 8"H x 9` 1v ?, "shoke �vidth <br />151 - Z00 (re! !0"H x.S" 6V, ?a "StrOke w�dth <br />� 0: fc�t and up 17"H x 6" !-v ?s "st�oke widfh <br />'Minimum figure size for the primary vddress of nwlh-�3mil � vr comme� civl buridings is six inches (6'1. <br />Height-to-ividth ratio o�figures sha// be approximafely ZN.• IW, mntrasling in co%r wifh lheir background <br />(black or whife on glazing). /f assigncd addmsses cannot be w�wed from a public ivay, address numbers <br />should a/so be posled af fhe raad en(rance on a po% sign, o� othcr means. Nhem i'he bmlding is nnt <br />vrsible lrom !he sfreet n� a siny.; access road/private �ovdway serves more [han one bui,'ding, p�oviv;m <br />shall be made fn dearly identi(y ivhich diiveivay or �oadway �_rves !he appropiiafe add,ess. Owncr fo <br />/�nst numbcrs or lefters �or ten_,3nt_suite anrl,�rtmcnt doo� �n both fhc inferior vnd exterior o/ ll�e <br />Guilding, or whcre raquirc�d by fhe Fim DeparimPnt, ivith a mu,.-�rum figure size at least 4 inches h�gh. <br />Conlad lhc Fim Department to fina/i; e��ddressing rct�uiremenfs for bui/ding vnd lenan[s.• 415-157-8120. <br />P;ease advise all utility companies, the Everett Post Office and other interested parties oF the new <br />adc'ress assignment to obtain postal delivery and other services. <br />Sincerely, <br />Paul McKee, Permit Services Manager, Everett Public Works <br />cc: Everett Postmaster; Everett l:arrier Annex; USPS Address Management System; Snohomish <br />County E911 Office; SNOPAC 911; Snohomish County Audilor and Assessor Office; Snohomish <br />County PU�?; Everett Police, Fire, Planning, Utility Services, Utility Records, Traffic, Permit <br />Services Manager, Duilding inspedion, and Address Coordinator <br />Chart No.: se13284 Address Type: SFR <br />CITY OF EVERETT • 3200 Cedar Sireet • Everett, U/A 98201 •(425) 757-8800 • Fax (425) 257-88A2 <br />