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Deceir,�er 30, 2014 <br />SILV:F, LAKE CENTER LLC <br />11215 19TH AVG S E <br />EVEkfTT, WA 96208 <br />RE; New Bullding Address Assignment In the Clty of Everett <br />ACfIL' NS: Owner to post address untll permanently Installed, Add address to permanent retoro�. <br />We wlsh to express our apprgclatlon [o you for helping lo bulld and Improve the Uty of Everett. Permit (C1411- <br />097) has been Issued approving the construdlon of tiie bullding on the following descrlbed narcel; SILVEFI <br />LAKF BLK DOl D-04 - ALL TH PTN LOT 1 LY N OF 113TIi ST (SR 527) & S OF FDP: S 230Fi Of� N 460FT OF <br />TN PTN OF LOT 1 LY S OF FDL - fSf:G AT S[ COR OF LUT 16 VACATED PIAT OF SILVER LAKE Hl'S TH E TO <br />WLN DLK 1 pt.n'f OF SIIVER I.AKE TO POB SD LN TH E PLT N I.N SD BLK 1 TO E I.N OF LOT 1& T[RM SD I.`� <br />p%C ST HWY AS CONWD BY DEEDS UNDEIi AI'N 1399592 & 204962f TCW S JSOFT OF W 130Ff OF LO7 2 <br />�LK 1 SD PU�TTGW SNRlN05 OF 2ND CLASS 1F ANY IN FRONT Of-, ADl'(HRTO UR A6TC; 7NON AS CONVYD <br />6Y ST OF WA BY Df:C-D REC AFN 191083 EXC ANY PTN l.Y WHN EV-d07 HWY & LE55 ADD'L R/W DEEUED TU <br />CIiY EVE UNDEH AFN'20U31'1.311039, parcel number U0574700100102. In accordance with Everett Munitlpal <br />Code chapter 13.44, tlie bullding has been assigned the (,illowi rlmary address; <br />1916 113TH, PL SE <br />F.VERETT, WA 9BIOS <br />Numbers confarming to the following table should be posled facing 113TH PL SE; <br />ADDRESS NUMBERING FIGURE S1ZE TABLf, per EMC 16.03 030 (FJ <br />pislance /ronr Road o� fl�e Lsne LNlp![1ll�m F/nure Slz� <br />0-50l�et *4"Nx1,5"W, Yr"stiokewldtlr <br />51 -!00 feet 6"N x 3"W, �34 "stroke width <br />lo! - 150 feet 8"Nx 9"W, 3d"s7roke wldUr <br />I51 - 700 %et 10"N x 5" W, �4 "stroke wldtli <br />Z01 leet and up 12"Hx 6" W, �"stroke �vldth <br />wMlnl� ,um /lgure size for fhe prlmary addrers of mulfl•f�mlly or mnrme�rlel GuJldings ls six ind�es (6'�. <br />Helghbto•�Ndth ratlo of pgures shal/ be app�oxlmately 7.IC 7W, mn6asfln� ln color rrifh fhe/r bacbground (Gl�7ck or <br />whlte on glarin9J. I/esslgned nddmsses cannul Ge vieived from aVuGllc way, address numbers shoulAalso be posfed <br />ef Nre road mtrsnce on a pole, ar slgn, ro dendyVdendry wh/ch drlve+vay a roadway serves 1he posted eddmss. owner <br />fo past nunrbers or le(ters /or Jenant suife and �oaitiDPnf Coars on l�ofh tlie ! dar and eMednr o/the hullding, w/lh a <br />m�dlmum /lgure slze at least 4/ndies lrl9h, Vlcase contad fhe Cve�eft firo Oepnrtn�enf !o Onallre aAAress pos(fng <br />requlrt+ments.• 915-157•8120. <br />Please advlse all utillty companles, the Everett Posl Office and o[her interested partles of the new address <br />asslgnment to obtaln postni de:l��ery and other servlces. <br />Slncerely, <br />Paul McKee, Permlt Servlces Manager, Everett Publlc Works <br />cc USPS Postmas�er, C�rder Annex, Address Managenrcnt Sysfenl; Snoliomish Lbunty f9-1-1 Addrpssing CooNnator, <br />GlS; Snahomish Counry Assessor's 0/IYce aAdiesslnq SupeMsor, G75, Vaicel Addrets Le.aA, Parcel Owner Address <br />Lead; Slrohomfsli Cautrty Aud�Mr% OR7ce Eledlons Addicssing Supervisor, G/s; SNOPAC 911; Snohomish County <br />PUD,• Paget Sound Energy,� City o! Evcrett YolMe, Flm Marshal's OMce, Plann/ng, Utlllty BIll/ng Manager end Stal/, <br />Utlllty Remrds, GIS Ut%!Ity Map/iing, Publk INorks MRO, RiGIIc {voiks TSG, 7reNc Englneer and Stel/, Vermlt SeMces <br />Manager and SfaK Charl No.: SW702BS AAAress rype: SFR <br />