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Ja�.uary 5, 2015 <br />SILVER LAKE CENTER LLC <br />11215 19TH AVE 5 E <br />EVERF7T, WA 98208 <br />RE; New eullding Address Assignment In the Clty of Everetl <br />ACTIONS: Owner to post address until permanently Installed. Add address to permanent records. <br />We vrlsh to express our appreclatlon to you for helping to build and improve the qry of Eve�ett. Permlt (C1411- <br />099) has been Issued approving the constructfon of the bullding on [he following described parcel: SILVER <br />LAKE BLK 001 D•04 - ALl TH PTN LOT 1 LY N OF 113TH ST (SR 527) & 5 OF FDP: S 230FT OF N A60FT OF <br />TH PTN OF LOT 1 LY S OF FDL - BEG AT SE COR OF LOT 1G VACATED PLAT OF SII.VF.R LAKE H75 7H E TO <br />N,'LN BI.K 1 PLAT OF SILVER LAKE TO POO SD LN TI I E PLT N LN 5D BLK 1 TO E LN OF LJT 1& TERM SD LN <br />EXC ST HWY AS CONWD BY DEEDS UNDER AFN 1399592 & 2049621 TGW S 350f-T OP W 130FT OF LOT 2 <br />BLK 1 SD PIA'fTGW SFIRLNDS OF 2ND CLASS IF ANY iN f(10NT OF, AD) THRTO OR ABTG THON �5 CON WD <br />BY ST QF WA BY DEED R[C AFN 191083 EXC ANY PTN LY WHN EV-BO7 HWY & LESS ADD'L R/W DEEDED TO <br />CIIY EVt UNDER AFN20D312311039, parcel number 00574700100102. In accordance M�Ith Everett Munlclpal <br />Code chapter 13A4, the building has been asslgned the followina.�tlmarv address; <br />1924 113TH PL SE <br />EVERETT, WA 98109 <br />Numbers conforming to the following table should Ue posted facing f 13TH PL SE; <br />ADDRESS NUMBERING flGURE SIZf TABCE, per [MC 16.03.030 (F) <br />plstancefropt_RPs��Prfirelane �(l11fl�LfL41� ire <br />0- SO leet '4"N x I.5 W, �iS stroke wldth <br />Sl -100 leet 6"H x 3" W, �S4"stroke w/dtli <br />.�01 -150 /eet 8"H x 4" W, �2 "stroke wldtlr <br />151-100 /eet 10"H x 5" W, �Y+ "sfroke wldtl� <br />20I /eet and up 17"N x 6" W, �34 ";troke wldth <br />'Mlnlmum /lgure slze /or fhe pdivary address o/multl-/an�ily or contmerclal bu!ldings ls sIx hrdres (6"J. <br />llelght-ta�w/dfh rello o/ llgums shaN Ge appiaxlnretely 7H: 1W, confrasting M mlor wllh Nrel� bacdground '7/eck or <br />whl�e on glnzingJ. /I esslgned addresses cannot be Newed 6om a puLllc way, adAress numGers should also be posted <br />ef the road enfrance an a pale, or slgn, ro dearly 1denN/y which ddvewey or roadway serves Ure posted addmsr. Owner <br />to posf numbe�s or lette�s /or fcnant su/fe anAa�q�ment doors on Gofh thc fqLe�r and exterlor o/Ihe bullding, wlN; a <br />minlmum /lgurc slze af least 9 Inches hlgh. Please mntad fhe fverett flre Ocpartment to llnal/re adaress posting <br />rcqu/remcnls: 915•257-8110. <br />Pleuse advise all utlllty companies, the Everett Post Offlce and otlier Interested partles of the new address <br />asslgnme�t to obtaln postal dellvery and other services. <br />Slncerely, <br />Paul McK�e, Permll Services Manager, Everett Publlc Works <br />cc: USPS f �,Mraster, (arrler Annex, AOdress Manngemenf Sysfem; Snahomlrh County E9-1 •1 Addressing Cbordlnafor, <br />GIS; Snohomish County AssesmYs Oh7ce AddressMg Supervlsor, GIS, Parcel Address Lc�d, Parce/ Owner AAdress <br />lead; Snohondsh County Aud/to�'s OH7ce f/eci/ons AddressMg Superv/sor, G/S; SNOVAC 91/; Snohom/sh Cowry <br />PUD; Pugel Snund fnergy; O'ty a/ Everett Pobce, Fire Marsha/'s O///c�, P/anning, UtNlty OI'/Ing Manager and Sle/' <br />Ut/lity Records, G/5 Ut//Iry Pleppin� Pub/fc Works M60, Publ/c Wuiks TSG, 1Ya/Bc Eng/neer anASta/f, Penu/! Servkes <br />Manager and SfaK lhArt No.: SW20285 AAOress rype.• SFR <br />