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January 5, 2015 <br />SILVER 1l�KE CENTFR LLC <br />11215 19TH AVE S E <br />EVERETf, WA 98208 <br />RE: New 6ullding Addrass Assignment In lhe City oF Everett <br />ALTtONs: Ow��er to pos[ addrr:ss untll permnnently Installed. Add address to permanent records, <br />We wfsh to ezpress our appreclation to you for helpfng lo bulld and Improve the City of Everett. PermR (C1411- <br />100) has been Issued approving lhe constructfon of the bulldln9 on the following descrlbed parcei: SILVF.R <br />LAKE BLK OOI D•OA - ALL TIi PTN l_07 1 LY N OF 113TH ST (SR 527) & S OF FOP: S 230FT UF N 460FT OF <br />TH PTN OF LOT 1 LY S OF FUL - 8EG A7 SE COR OF LOT 16 VACA7ED PU�T OF SILVER LAKC t1T5 TH [ TO <br />WLN fSLK 1 PLAT OF SILYEfI IAKE TU POB SD LN TH E PLT N LN SD BLK 1 TO E LN OF LOT 1& TERM SD LN <br />[XC ST HWY AS CONVYD BY DEEDS UNDER AFN 1399592 & 20A9621 TGW S 350Ff OF W 170fT Of LOT 2 <br />6LK 1 SD PIATTGW SHRLNDS UF 2ND CLASS IF ANY IN FRGNT �f, AO) THRTO OR ABTG THON AS CONVYD <br />OY ST Of' WA OY DF[D REC AFN 19f 003 EXC ANY PTN LY WHN I:V-OOf HWY & Lf55 ADD'L R/W DEEDEO TO <br />CITY EVE UNDER AFN200312311039, percel number 00574700100102, In accordance wlth Everett Munlclpal <br />Code chapter 13.44, the bullding has been aSsigncd the fg�.wing orlma address: <br />1926 113TH PL SE <br />c vcrt�; wa �szoa <br />Numbers coniormin9 to tlie following table shouid be posted facing 113TH PL S[: <br />AODRESS NU�IBERING f1GURE SIIE TAfJLf, per EMC l6.03.030 (FJ <br />pl,f1�9117 R�l��—flre�a� rlhrlmum Flaun� Sire <br />0— SO /eet "9"H x 1,5"W, h"sfroke wldflr <br />51 —!00 /eef 6"N x 3" W, �!�"stroke wldtli <br />101— !�.^ /eet B"H x 9"W, 3G"stroke wldth <br />ISl —100%ef 10"Nx5"W, 34"stroke wldfh <br />201 feetand up Jl"Nx6"W, 46"stroke �v/dth <br />'M/Nnrum llgure size ; or Ure prlmnry addresr o/multl-!amlly or comnrerda! bulldrngs ls s!x lnrl�es (6 J. <br />Ne/ghffo w/dfh raf/o ol /l9ums shv/l Gc approx/matNy 2H; !N; confrasflnq /n color w/lh U�e/r Gackground (Glack or <br />wH/te on glarinpJ. /I asslgned addresses cannot be vlewed /roni n puUllc wvy, nddress nomben should also be posfed <br />at fhe ro,ad enfrence on a pole, or slgn, to rlearlyldmt!/y wh/ch OiNeway or roadway serves the postc0 adAress. Owner <br />fo posl ntmrbcrs or !^KPn' (a f€Rapt s�1M P/IA�p7dmen( d�� RIlJ4(ILtt/eJ��(c19Lrllds'ht1l1 ��� �he bu!!ding, wlfh a <br />min/rnum /I9uie sfze xt least 4 Inches hlgb. Please mntact the Evereff Flre fepuKmenf to AnvGre adJress /wsf/n9 <br />m�uiiements: 425•257-BIZO. <br />Pleasa advlse �II utlllty componles, the Everett Post O(ilce ar�f other Interested partles of llie new address <br />osslgnment to obtaln postal dellvery and other services. <br />Slncerely, <br />Paul McKee, Permlt Servlces Manager, Everett Pubdc Works <br />cc: USPS Poslmaster, Cenler Aqnex, AdCresr hfanagemcnf Systenr; Snohonrish County C9 t-I Addressing CcorOinaMr, <br />GIS; SnoAomish Caun!y Ass� `or's OIBce Addressing Supervlsor, G15, Parcel Address [ea0, Percrl O�vner Ad�'ress <br />Lrad; Snohondsb Coanty Aud/fo�'s OKce [7ecdons Addressing Supervlsor, G/5; SNOVAC 971; Snohomish County <br />FUD; Pagef .Sou�M Energy; C!ty o/ fvrmtt Palice, fim �farshal's O/17ce, P/enn/n,�, Utldty 0l!//ng Flanager artd Sta//, <br />Uh7/ty .Pecads, G1S Ullllty Plapp/n9, PuLllc Woiks MAO, Publlc Works TSG, 17a//!c Fnqlneer and Sfa/!, PermR Servkes <br />Flanngerand Sta/f Clrart No.: SW7018S Address Type.• SFR <br />