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'U/�/C K/O/�K5 <br />December 17, 2014 <br />SILVER LAKE CENTER LLC <br />11215 19TH AVF S E <br />[VERETT, WA 98208 <br />RE: New 9uilding Address Asslgnment In the Clty of Everelt <br />ACf70NS: Owner to post address untll permanently Installed. Add address to permenent records. <br />We wlsh 10 express our appreclatlon to you for helping to bulld a�d Improve the Clty of Everett. Permlt (C1411- <br />015) lias been Issued approving the constructlon of the buliding an the following descrlbed parcel; SILVER InKE <br />�lK 001 D-04 • ALL TH PTN I.OT 1 LY N 0� 113TI1 ST (SR 527) & S OF FDP: S 230FT OF N 460FT OF TH PTN <br />OF LOi f LY S OF FDL - dEG A'f SE COR OF LOT iG VACATED PLAT OF SILVER LAKE HTS TH E TO WLN BLK <br />1 P:A7 OF SILVER LAKE TO PO� SD LN TH E PLT N LN SD BLK 1 TO E I.N OF lOT 1& TERM SD LN [XC 57 <br />HWY AS CONVYD BY D[EDS UNDER APN 1399592 & 2049621 TGW S 350Ff OF W 130Fi OF LOT 2 DLK 1 SD <br />PLATTGW SHRLNDS OF ?.ND CLASS IF ANY IN FRGNT OF, ADJ TIiRTO OR ABTG THON AS CONWD 8Y ST OF <br />WA OY DEED REC AFN 191083 EXC ANY PTN LY WIiN EV-BOT HWY & LESS P.UD'L R/W DEEDED TO CITY EVE <br />UND[R AFN200312311039, parcel num�er 00574700100104. In etcofdBI1CC Wltfl EV21'ett MUnl�ipol <br />Code chapler 13,4M1, the bullding has been asslgned the follgwlrlgpilm� add ess: <br />2010 113TH PL SE <br />fV_fRE7T, WA 9B204 <br />Numbers conforming to lhe following table should he posted (acln9 113TH PL SE: <br />ADAR[SS NUPIBERING ifGURE S1ZE TABLf, per EMC 16, 03, 030 (F) <br />Qjst�nce from Ra9d or fiie Lane Mf?l�tilC� f191(re Slze <br />0- SO /eet '4"N x 1.5" W, .'�i "stroke widlh <br />51- !00 feet 6 H x 3' W, 35 "'sfroke wldth <br />101-150/eet 8"Hx9"W, ?4"slroketv/dth <br />151 - 700 /eef 10"N x 5" W, �N, stroke �Ndfh <br />Z01 feel and up JZ"H x 6" W, �4 "stroke w/Ath <br />"Mlnlmum Ilgure slze /or the primary address of multi-famlly or mmmerclal hulldings /s six lnrhes (G'�. <br />Helglit-to-widfh r�No o/ /Igmes shall be approxlr, mte/y 2H: IW, contrasfing ln co%r wlfh lhelr Gackgrovnd <br />(Glack or whlte en glazing). �( ass/gr.ed addresse s cannot Ge vlewrd from a puGlic wa,v, adAress numbers <br />should also Ue posted at the road errtrance on a poia, or slgn, fo c%a�ty ldenfily whlch drlveway or roadwa�� <br />serves tlie posted eddress. Owner to post numbers or lefters /or tenent sWfe and anaKme�t doors on,�pLh <br />�y h er o�,2e11F[ oI the LWlding, wlth a minlm�im Ogure slze at leasl 9/nches hlgh. Please ronfact <br />fhe Evere�t[ P,'re Departmenl fo /Inallre address posting requlrements: 415•257-8120, <br />Please a�vise t d utlllty companles, tha [verelt Pos[ Of9ce and other Inlerested partles of the new adtlress assiqnment N <br />obtaln posWl delivery and ather savlces. <br />Sincerely, <br />Paul McKee, Permit Services Manager, Evereft Publlc Works <br />cr. USPS Postmashr, lGr�ler Annex, AAdress Menagement System; Snohomish County f9-1-1 AddressGrg Coordlnafor, <br />G/S; 5nohomish County Asseswr's O�ce Addressing SLpervlsor, GlS, Parce! Address LeaC, PorcrlOwner Address <br />LeaO; Snohomish County Audifoi's OKre EIe;Nons AAAressing SupervGor, GIS; SNOVi1C 911; Snohomish County <br />PUO; Puget Sound Energy; Clty olF.trereft Pol/ce, flre Ma�shal's Ol/lce, Plenning, Ufility 8illing Manager and S�aN, <br />Uflliry Rcrads, G/5 UUIIty Mnpp/ng, Publlc Wor6s p�&0, Publlc WorKs TSG, TraRe En9ineer end Sfaff, Pprmlt Servlces <br />Manaqer and Stalf <br />CheK No,; SW20?85 AdcYess rype: SfR <br />