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I PrescdoHve Svaces lo«�v�r u w+nna�w, �p. «... a.raan wag. n.q.� .4 an« I <br />Pbaua <br />11er. � a�cu� M. �s'on�«• w nru� <br />r�wwr s eMeNA. tlr MMnen d Ih�wM M <br />�M ipw n net MMM 0� CeO�. Clwlr <br />u�eicw mw �p�ew en v4m. II no� <br />Cu�MIM. M lPl1 Ca1eWMon�. <br />Clrelc Mn M tl Nwt 96% d 16l�m M tlr fp�et mM Y fou cMwl�: <br />t. F6Ar�s w Aionscurt. na�Nnwd. wMn my ar a Iwo W�q�. me <br />2. Lsmps ne T-S. T-0, T-0 a PL rb �. tartp� �n SSO Wm, w! <br />� e,aa....�uawo e.w�. <br />Table 1l�ri Unit LighHng Power Allowance (LFA) for Intedor Lightins <br />FooMobs ta TabN 161 <br />I In w�.wx m��fiich a un ir na mrnlioned x�itiull��. iho !'nir ah�ll be Je�rnnmed In the luildin` ollicid 1'hu <br />de�crm�n�ui�n ,hdl R 1+�yed u�n Iha moet unmpuohk usc ypntiti�d in ihe uble. Sce Se�hion I S I: lix et.mpl aray. <br />'_ ��hc ���ns �Y xqwrc I'ool ms� bc incrnrod. In n�o p�.nenl per I'od .il'�ling hnphl �bove Iwenp� I'at. unlesf �pailiull� drtecttd <br />�N�cn��xc M iulncyucnl IiwtnMex. <br />! Wmi. �r yqwre 1'na ol'rnum rtu� be incrawd b �wo pereenl pa lool ol'cciling hdght �bove Meive lat. <br />� F�x dl �wha ypuer. yuch u yaling �nd uomman �reaa. u+e the 1'n�r Gght Powr.2llmwnrr t'a wembly. <br />3 Wu�e per pu�rc 1'uu� ol'ra�m rtuy be increaaed In Mo percrnt pa Ibot ol'uilin� Ad�hl �bove nine leet. <br />e IncluJa pump vu unde cano�». <br />7 In n.�Y m which � liphhap pl�n u wbnmed la onl� � �ortion ol'� Iloa. � Unit I.iEhunp YoNer Allow�ra ol' I.)S mar be urcd 1'a <br />muMe ollice Iluor aru and 1160 win� per iquare I'oa ylull le u�ed lix the eommon �rcu, wfiich m��� include devua �pae. lobb� �m <br />�nd rest rmm�. tommon �rw. u herein delined do not inelude null cm�rourw. <br />N fa �he tin mpme roam. ihe Unil LiphOng Power Allow�nue n I.0 �tU per �quve I'oa. <br />4 f�x mdmr xpon �wrn�mrni murti wilh �djuxnt �pny�la �uanp. the Uni� GpMm� Pawer Allow+nee 1'a the �roun �m i� ?.6 watl� pa <br />YqWfC �OOI. <br />lu Fa bo�h Neuil A�nd Rn�il H. liph� fa liee-+tmding di�pl�c, baldin� �howcaie illuminatim �nd displ�y windw illumin�uon inudled <br />��uhin iwo kei ol ihe wmdow ue cecmpl. <br />Reiul A�Ilowe � Um� Lighunp Povar Allow�nce ol' I.0 w�ni per �quve tool. Cdlin� mant[d adjmuble tunEtlen halqen �nd fflD <br />mach�ndiu displ��� Illummane� ve exempl. <br />Rcuil H allow� � Uai� Lighiing Power Allow�ncc ol' LS w�tb prt squve 1'aol, includinE dl ccilinp rnounmd merch�ndix ditplrv <br />lumm�ria. <br />I I Ikonded �h�� a Ooor pl�n, indi�ting nck loutim �nd hei�hl. it �ubmitled, lhe pu�rc loo�ge 1'a � w�rcbare m�y be dNined. l'a <br />compuiinp the in�aia llnii I.iphtinp Power Allow�na, u �he Iloa na nd eovaed by nck� au� tAe veniul fxe �ra pweu ade ml�) <br />ot ihe ncky. The heipht albwanee detined in lodnde ?�pplin onh lo IM+ tloor un nol mverad b�' neki. <br />