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Plan Chxk No. B 58680 <br />Msy 11, 1998 <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />9. Details should be provided for laterel bracinQ with comprarion atnrta for the auspendcd ceilioQ. <br />UBC Stendard 25-2, Table 25-A, Foomou 1 <br />1995 Wuhie�ton 3hte Non•Raldeadal Eoerp Code (WAC SI-11) <br />1. It should be specified which lighting power option is propoaed. 'ibe attached 1994 Wa�hingtoa State <br />Nonrcsidential Energy Code Complience focros should be completed and �sWmed with t6e <br />resubmission. Chapter 15 <br />2. The daylight zona in ell ereas ahould be shown to have switcha, occupant sen.wis, or daylight <br />sensors to control the luminaries near window walls, independent of the generel area lighdng. <br />Scedon 1513.3, Section 1210 <br />1995 Wuhiogtoo State RegulaHom for B�rrkr�Free Dafeo <br />1. Areas of evacuetion assistance and ell their details such aa siu, IocaGon, ulephone, fire protection, <br />signs, etc. should be shown. Section 1104. <br />2. All doors in the floor which have a latch set or Icek set should have lever-type operating 6erdware. <br />Section 1106.3.1 <br />3. The customer service counur in the Intemationnl Services Recepdon room should have a 35" long <br />uccessible portion no higher than 36" above the floor. Section 1105.4.7.2 <br />Prepare a response letter showinq where each item in this correcdon letter is add[ased on the plan <br />set. <br />Upon resubmittal of the drawings, yoiu applicadon will be given pdarity and plan review aill <br />recommence. <br />All required submittals shall be of sufficient detail and contain sufficieat informadon to eosuro that the <br />proposed structure will be constructed in compliance with ali adopted codes. <br />Sincerely, <br />_,� <br />Tony La <br />Assceiate Engineer <br />n�rrn��v�+.n <br />Enclosure <br />