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August 16, 2000 <br />PUBL�'C WORNf'S <br />Attn: Euthe Rhode <br />Mietzner & Mietzner, LLC <br />1910 120'� Pl. SE <br />Cvcretl, WA 9820R <br />In response to ,your telephune requcst today the city is assigning e suite N to the nc�v <br />tennnt space in your exi^ting suucture locAted ut 1910 120'" PI. SE. <br />'Ihc r.ew saite N shull be �� follows: <br />1910 120'" PI. SE SuilP NIO/ <br />Everctt, Washington 98203 <br />To cusure emcrgency nccess to your slructure, 3 inch x 1-I/2 inch nume�nls or larger, <br />should Lr. posted either ubove or at the sidc of the mnin building entrance tecing the 120'" <br />Pl. SL' right-of-wey. Plcase edvise ull utility companies, the Everen Post office, and other <br />intcrested partics of the nbove address. A list of local agencies und compnnies :s enclosed <br />for yow inform�tion and convcnicnce. Plense contnct our office with any qucstions. <br />�i�t�erely� <br />.�1�`,Q�,. <br />Poul McKcc <br />Public Services Divison <br />cc: Postmaster, Everett, WA Auditor's Office <br />E�•crett Pire Depmtment (2) Everett Police Departnunt <br />Building Inspection Depariment public Works Records <br />CITY OF GVI3R ETT - 32110 CeJar titrcet - Evcrctt, WA 98201 -(425) 257-RR 10 - Pnx (425) 257.8857 <br />